Form relation fields of same relation in different groups/Fieldset
I can't figure out how to add fields from the same relation to different groups or Fieldsets. Only the last group seems to be linked to the relation.
11 replies
Defaultsort / column sorting
When I set a default sortorder on a table, it will sort 'asc' by default, when I click the row, the url is updated to sort 'asc'.
I have to click it again to switch to 'desc'.
Seems to be different behavior then v2, or am I missing something ?
8 replies
Form Select with options(MyEnum::class) and multiple() has livewire error when removing a value.
Error I am getting : "__rm__" is not a valid backing value for enum
Setup is a basic enum that implements Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel.
Cast to convert it to json in the DB.
on the Resource:
Any clues, or am I just trying to do something weird and is there a better implementation ?
19 replies