Created by ズバイル on 1/15/2025 in #help-and-questions
Please add Dark/Night mode on console.prisma.io
Night/Dark mode is very helpful for devs/users. I know the extension- Dark Reader, but why extension?
3 replies
Created by ズバイル on 1/15/2025 in #help-and-questions
"code":"P6003" Prisma example: accelerate-hacker-news
When I upvote on official example- I upvode a post- I got this error- Error: Failed to invalidate Accelerate cache. Response was 400 Bad Request. {"code":"P6003","message":"There is a hold on your account. Reason: planLimitReached. Please contact Prisma support if you think this is an error."} at async addVotes (addVotes.ts:21:3) code link https://github.com/prisma/prisma-examples/blob/latest/accelerate/accelerate-hacker-news/app/actions/addVotes.ts Error on addVotes.ts:21:2 - at await -
await prisma.$accelerate.invalidate({
tags: ['posts'],

await prisma.$accelerate.invalidate({
tags: ['posts'],

my project is (for official support purpose) console prisma io/ cm459dig001zinbfj9qemcgxv/ cm5xtjl4e00cv12ytnhrhmy22/
3 replies