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DTDrizzle Team
Created by Jaxwn on 8/27/2023 in #help
Reference to auth.users?
i was following ben davis video about sveltekit + supabase/drizzle. in his video he mention that he want to use sql file in supabase/migrations as a source of truth and then rewrote it in schema.ts,
create table profile (
id serial primary key,
first_name varchar(100),
last_name varchar(100),
email varchar(100),
user_id uuid references auth.users
create table profile (
id serial primary key,
first_name varchar(100),
last_name varchar(100),
email varchar(100),
user_id uuid references auth.users
but i prefer to use schema.ts as a source of truth then use the drizzle migrations.
export const profileTable = pgTable('profile', {
id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
last_name: varchar('last_name', { length: 100 }),
first_name: varchar('first_name', { length: 100 }),
email: varchar('email', { length: 100 }),
user_id: uuid('user_id').notNull().references(() => auth.users),
export const profileTable = pgTable('profile', {
id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
last_name: varchar('last_name', { length: 100 }),
first_name: varchar('first_name', { length: 100 }),
email: varchar('email', { length: 100 }),
user_id: uuid('user_id').notNull().references(() => auth.users),
the problem is that i can't reference the auth.users like in the .sql file
7 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Jaxwn on 8/20/2023 in #help
Is there something wrong with my schema?
No description
23 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Jaxwn on 5/14/2023 in #questions
T3 stack + r2?
I'm currently building a project where i need to store pdf file. the uploadthing only support image and video for now(correct me if im wrong), also the vercel blob is too expensive and also beta. however, blob is wrap around the cloudflare r2 so i figure that maybe i can connect directly to r2. but i have no idea how to, there no video on yt or doc to follow.
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Jaxwn on 9/29/2022 in #questions
Where to start on mobile dev?
I wanted to start learning mobile dev, (i have some experience with flutter but not good enough to build a full app). I've been thinking about going to native(not react native) route (mostly ios). So, any advice to get started? i search yt a few times and most of it are all swift and firebase. is this the right choice? idk help me xD
7 replies