DTDrizzle Team
Created by RickDom on 7/23/2024 in #help
Is there a way to create a unique constrain on a jsonb column in a table?
I have a table with a "label" column that is a jsonb column storing objects that look like this: { "en": "Girl", "ja": "女性" }. I would like to set up the unique constraint to ensure that each row is unique based on label->>en at least. Is this possible when defining the schema? Or do I need to restort to brute forcing it in the SQL? I am using Drizzle ORM with node postrgesql.
12 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by RickDom on 5/8/2024 in #help
Inserting into tables with foreign key relationships
I have two tables: "part_of_speech" and "type". part_of_speech.type_id is a foreign key column referencing type.id. I want to insert a row into "part_of_speech" and set the "typeId" based on the "id" corresponding to a value from another column on the "type" table based on some filter. So far I have managed to do this in typescript land:
const verbType = (
await dbClient
.select({ typeId: types.id })
.where(sql`label->>'en-US' = 'Verb'`)

const insertedPos = await dbClient
typeId: verbType!.typeId,
value: '食べる',
translation: jsonbSql({ 'en-US': 'Eat' }),
typeId: verbType!.typeId,
value: '読む',
translation: jsonbSql({ 'en-US': 'Read' }),
const verbType = (
await dbClient
.select({ typeId: types.id })
.where(sql`label->>'en-US' = 'Verb'`)

const insertedPos = await dbClient
typeId: verbType!.typeId,
value: '食べる',
translation: jsonbSql({ 'en-US': 'Eat' }),
typeId: verbType!.typeId,
value: '読む',
translation: jsonbSql({ 'en-US': 'Read' }),
However, is this not possible somehow using db.$with(...).as(...) and db.with(...).insert(...).values(...) structure where I could reference the result column from the "$with" query in the values for each row I am inserting? I was trying to do this and seems logical, but was getting type errors (and while I know that there should be a single result returned in the with, drizzle doesn't know so an array will always be returned). is there a proper way with drizzle to do this? Or do you have to fall back to doing query(...) and writing SQL?
1 replies