Created by neverything on 12/13/2023 in #❓┊help
Is there a way to get the current tenant in isTenantSubscriptionRequired()?
For a Resource in the Panel, I need to get the current tenant and when implementing isTenantSubscriptionRequired(Panel $panel) using Filament::getTenant() returns null. Is there a way to get the current tenant from the $panel passed to the method in the Resource?
5 replies
Created by neverything on 12/8/2023 in #❓┊help
Question about tenants with jetstream teams and multiple resources
What I am trying to do: I'm in the process of refactoring a Livewire 3 app into Filament. I used jetstream teams, but removed the personal teams. Every team can have multiple catalogs which contain products, links and exports (which would be the resources) related to the catalog. My questions: - How do I setup the multi-tenancy: Should it be based on teams or catalogs? - Is it possible to have "sub-resources" when I'm in a specific catalog?
9 replies