Created by Steelheart on 8/23/2023 in #❓┊help
FileUpload temporaryUrl()
I have a file upload in a wizard. It's in the second step and I want to use the temporaryUrl in the third step, but I can't figure out how to grab it. Probably something simple, but still figuring out the setup here.
6 replies
Created by Steelheart on 8/22/2023 in #❓┊help
Table performance improvements tips?
Building a new app with v3 and loving it so far 👍 For this app performance isn't much of an issue, but I have some other things I'd like to use Filament on where performance is critical. Table rending is very slow at 50 rows x 15 columns. Debubar shows 3500 views being rendered. I know about turning off debugbar, but even with it off rendering takes a long time in this empty shell of an app with a few hundred rows of test data. Often over 1 second. I've searched through Discord a bit but haven't found much. Are there any known techniques for improving the rendering speed?
35 replies