subhash reddy s
subhash reddy s
Created by subhash reddy s on 12/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Dependent select and datatime picker fields.
i have this line of code for setting the value of datatime picker based on selected field Select::make('status') ->searchable() ->options([ 'published' => 'Published', 'draft' => 'Draft', ]) ->live() ->afterStateUpdated(fn (Set $set) => $set('scheduled_at', now())) ->required(), DateTimePicker::make('scheduled_at') ->rules(['date']) ->displayFormat('d-M-Y h:i A') ->minDate(now()) ->required() ->placeholder('Scheduled At'), perticularly it is not working for the datatime picker if there is any alternative please suggest me and i want both the fields to be visible.
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Created by subhash reddy s on 10/27/2023 in #❓┊help
MorphMany edit and view for media.
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