•Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 6/24/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
SyrinControl & Svelte...
Hello there folks,
@frondeus @vauxs @mleahy
It is with great sadness, that Syrinscape have written back to me and told me that they are not going to fund anything Foundry related and that it is up to folk to create their own modules to integrate with them.
Another person on the forums has suggested paying a patron account for Frodeus and anyone who is helping them. I said that this would be in effect paying twice for Syrinscape when other sound providers are either free or you can add what they have got via core.
It baffles me that Syrinscape said themselves that they met "lots" of people wanting the integration at conventions, and if they were to invest they would get more subscribers, yet won't commit to one of the most popular VTTs out there.
I think due to this I am going to stop subbing Syrinscape and use a different method. Wavs and Oggs and Mp3s etc....
I am really sad about this, as I have been loyal to Syrinscape for so long now. 😦
42 replies
•Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 6/24/2023 in #typhonjs-runtime
SyrinControl & Svelte...
Wow! Just so you know I’ve no idea what you’re all talking about but it looks impressive!
I’m glad that you’ve got a dialogue though.
I’m back from holiday/vacation tonight so I’m going to contact Syrinscape just to touch on the point of financing something in their interest.
42 replies