using System;namespace UserInterface{ class Employee { // Attributes private string name; private string supervisorName; // Constructor public Employee(string name, string supervisorName) { = name; this.supervisorName = supervisorName; } // Methods to set and get employee name and supervisor name public void SetName(string name) { = name; } public string GetName() { return name; } // Similarly, define methods to set and get supervisor name public void SetsupervisorName(string supeervisorName) { this.supervisorName = supervisorName; } public string GetsupervisorName() { return supervisorName; } } class TimeSheetEntry { // Attributes // Define attributes and methods similar to Employee class for TimeSheetEntry private string Sun; private string Mon; private string Tues; private string Wed; private string Thurs; private string Fri; private string Sat; // Constructor, methods for adding hours, marking days, validation, and calculating total hours public TimeSheetEntry(string Sun, string Mon, string Tues, string Wed, string Thurs, string Fri, string Sat) { this.Sun = Sun; this.Mon = Mon; this.Tues = Tues; this.Wed = Wed; this.Thurs = Thurs; this.Fri = Fri; this.Sat = Sat; } } class PayrollCalculator { // Methods to calculate regular and overtime pay, generate payroll information }