Created by Anto03 on 10/27/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament Modules
Hello, how can i display in default panel the panels from other modules?
2 replies
Created by Anto03 on 10/27/2023 in #❓┊help
User in admin panel
Hello, how can i access the auth()-> user() inside a panel. i tried with callback function and it still doesn t work. Could you help me? I want to verify if user hasRole() to make a custom navigation, i use modules .
38 replies
Created by Anto03 on 10/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Filament shield + modules
Hello, i have a problem with filament shield. I want to give user permission on modules from default panel. The problem is that only resources from default panel are used and the resources from modules are ignored. Could you help me?
4 replies