Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 5/18/2024 in #support
Assistance with SolidStart and Supabase Auth in SSR
I am currently trying to piece together exactly how to setup SolidStart with the @supabase/ssr package. The Supabase package expects:
import { createBrowserClient, createServerClient, type CookieOptions } from '@supabase/ssr'

export function createSupabaseFrontendClient() {
return createBrowserClient(

export function createSupabaseBackendClient() {
return createServerClient(
cookies: {
get: (
key: string,
): Promise<string | null | undefined> | string | null | undefined => {
// get the cookie value from the request
set: (key: string, value: string, options: CookieOptions): Promise<void> | void => {
// set the cookie value in the response
remove: (key: string, options: CookieOptions): Promise<void> | void => {
// remove the cookie from the session
import { createBrowserClient, createServerClient, type CookieOptions } from '@supabase/ssr'

export function createSupabaseFrontendClient() {
return createBrowserClient(

export function createSupabaseBackendClient() {
return createServerClient(
cookies: {
get: (
key: string,
): Promise<string | null | undefined> | string | null | undefined => {
// get the cookie value from the request
set: (key: string, value: string, options: CookieOptions): Promise<void> | void => {
// set the cookie value in the response
remove: (key: string, options: CookieOptions): Promise<void> | void => {
// remove the cookie from the session
However, I am a little lost on how to setup this up with vinxi/http.
25 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 1/5/2024 in #support
Solid-UI The `border-border` class does not exist.
Recently got started with solid-ui and i love it a lot, however when i add it to projects where i am using daisyui as my styling system (just a wrapper ontop of tailwindcss) i get an error:
The `border-border` class does not exist. If `border-border` is a custom class, make sure it is defined within a `@layer` directive.
The `border-border` class does not exist. If `border-border` is a custom class, make sure it is defined within a `@layer` directive.
My root.css file:
/* TailWindCSS Files */
@import 'tailwindcss/base';
@import 'tailwindcss/components';
@import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

/* Custom Imports */
@import 'index.css';
@import 'scrollbar.css';
@import 'calendar.css';
@import 'components/addcropmodal.css';
@import 'components/addcropform.css';

/* Custom tailwind class overrides */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
/* TailWindCSS Files */
@import 'tailwindcss/base';
@import 'tailwindcss/components';
@import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

/* Custom Imports */
@import 'index.css';
@import 'scrollbar.css';
@import 'calendar.css';
@import 'components/addcropmodal.css';
@import 'components/addcropform.css';

/* Custom tailwind class overrides */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
I am fairly certain i have everything setup correctly. A gist of my index.css where i placed the solid-ui styles and my tailwind.config.ts file.
3 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 1/2/2024 in #support
Help with some JSX logic in Typescript on an Advanced Resizing Component
I am working on making a custom resizing component wrapper for my app. I have the resizing logic all working as i would like it to, however i am trying to implement edge handlers so that i can attach the resize event handlers to the edge of a child component. Here is the github gist to my resizer.tsx The following is an example usage:
import { ParentComponent, createSignal } from 'solid-js'
import { Resizer, ResizerContent } from '@components/ui/resize'

const Sidebar: ParentComponent = (props) => {
const [sidebar, setSidebar] = createSignal<HTMLDivElement | null>(null)
const [width, setWidth] = createSignal<number>(425)
let resizer!: HTMLDivElement

const changeWidth = (clientY: number) => {
if (clientY < 0) return

return (
<div class="card h-auto pb-8 min-h-0">
onResize={(clientY, clientX) => {
{(edgeHandler) => (
<ResizerContent edgeHandler={edgeHandler}>
width: `${width()}px`,
import { ParentComponent, createSignal } from 'solid-js'
import { Resizer, ResizerContent } from '@components/ui/resize'

const Sidebar: ParentComponent = (props) => {
const [sidebar, setSidebar] = createSignal<HTMLDivElement | null>(null)
const [width, setWidth] = createSignal<number>(425)
let resizer!: HTMLDivElement

const changeWidth = (clientY: number) => {
if (clientY < 0) return

return (
<div class="card h-auto pb-8 min-h-0">
onResize={(clientY, clientX) => {
{(edgeHandler) => (
<ResizerContent edgeHandler={edgeHandler}>
width: `${width()}px`,
However this approach is not working, i will post the error below.
38 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 8/16/2023 in #support
Solid DND
Asking for help here, as the solid-dnd github seems to be pretty dead (as far as help and documentation go) - so just hoping someone can help 🙂 I am trying to figure out how to render a component using the library. Here is my current code: https://gist.github.com/ZanzyTHEbar/a6b104bf6e16453e6c94a25ee54dd9e4 I am trying to render the TriggerComponent and make it draggable. However, my current attempt is only dragging the id and i cant seem to get the component to drag properly. Its late, ive been starting at this for awhile, and its probably something obvious. Any help would be appreciated.
1 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 8/11/2023 in #support
Access child ref from parent component
Hello ya'll. I am having a bit of a brain fart, id like to access the child ref of an element from the parent. What is the best way to do this, ive done this before, but am having a brain fart atm.
8 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 5/16/2023 in #support
Help with Forward Ref and Ref from solid-primatives
I am still pretty new to solidjs and typescipt in general, i am trying to port a library from react to solid and am 90% of the way there - however i am having difficulties with using a forward Ref. There are two sections that are confusing me - that i would like help trying to solve.
function ChartComponent<
TType extends ChartType = ChartType,
TData = DefaultDataPoint<TType>,
TLabel = unknown,
>(props: ChartProps<TType, TData, TLabel>, ref: Ref<ChartJS<TType, TData, TLabel> | null>) {
// some component logic

export const Chart = forwardRef(ChartComponent) as BaseChartComponent;
function ChartComponent<
TType extends ChartType = ChartType,
TData = DefaultDataPoint<TType>,
TLabel = unknown,
>(props: ChartProps<TType, TData, TLabel>, ref: Ref<ChartJS<TType, TData, TLabel> | null>) {
// some component logic

export const Chart = forwardRef(ChartComponent) as BaseChartComponent;
import {
Chart as ChartJS,
} from 'chart.js'
import { Chart } from './chart'
import type { ChartProps, ChartJSOrUndefined, TypedChartComponent } from './types'
import type { ChartType, ChartComponentLike } from 'chart.js'

function createTypedChart<T extends ChartType>(type: T, registerables: ChartComponentLike) {

return forwardRef<ChartJSOrUndefined<T>, Omit<ChartProps<T>, 'type'>>((props, ref) => (
<Chart {...props} ref={ref} type={type} />
)) as TypedChartComponent<T>

export const Line = /* #__PURE__ */ createTypedChart('line', LineController)
import {
Chart as ChartJS,
} from 'chart.js'
import { Chart } from './chart'
import type { ChartProps, ChartJSOrUndefined, TypedChartComponent } from './types'
import type { ChartType, ChartComponentLike } from 'chart.js'

function createTypedChart<T extends ChartType>(type: T, registerables: ChartComponentLike) {

return forwardRef<ChartJSOrUndefined<T>, Omit<ChartProps<T>, 'type'>>((props, ref) => (
<Chart {...props} ref={ref} type={type} />
)) as TypedChartComponent<T>

export const Line = /* #__PURE__ */ createTypedChart('line', LineController)
I am not exactly sure how to solve the forwardRef situation here.
12 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 4/28/2023 in #support
SolidJS failing all of a sudden
4 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 4/16/2023 in #support
79 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 4/12/2023 in #support
createStore causing warning
I am using createStore for a lot of my app, to reduce prop drilling and make inter-component communication a lot easier. I will preface, my app works exactly as intended. No bugs or issues that i can see (currently) - however i get this warning due to my createStore structure.
computations created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be disposed
createComputation @ dev.js:748
computations created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be disposed
createComputation @ dev.js:748
This is an example store:
import { createMemo } from 'solid-js'
import { createStore, produce } from 'solid-js/store'

export enum MdnsStatus {

interface IMdnsResponse {
ips: string[]
urls: string[]

interface IMdnsStore {
mdnsStatus: MdnsStatus
mdnsData: IMdnsResponse

export const defaultState: IMdnsStore = {
mdnsStatus: MdnsStatus.DISABLED,
mdnsData: {
ips: [],
urls: [],

const [state, setState] = createStore<IMdnsStore>(defaultState)

export const setMdnsStatus = (status: MdnsStatus) => {
produce((s) => {
s.mdnsStatus = status

export const setMdnsData = (data: IMdnsResponse) => {
produce((s) => {
s.mdnsData = data

export const mdnsState = createMemo(() => state)
import { createMemo } from 'solid-js'
import { createStore, produce } from 'solid-js/store'

export enum MdnsStatus {

interface IMdnsResponse {
ips: string[]
urls: string[]

interface IMdnsStore {
mdnsStatus: MdnsStatus
mdnsData: IMdnsResponse

export const defaultState: IMdnsStore = {
mdnsStatus: MdnsStatus.DISABLED,
mdnsData: {
ips: [],
urls: [],

const [state, setState] = createStore<IMdnsStore>(defaultState)

export const setMdnsStatus = (status: MdnsStatus) => {
produce((s) => {
s.mdnsStatus = status

export const setMdnsData = (data: IMdnsResponse) => {
produce((s) => {
s.mdnsData = data

export const mdnsState = createMemo(() => state)
import { createMemo } from 'solid-js'
import { mdnsState } from './mdns'

export const mdnsStatus = createMemo(() => mdnsState().mdnsStatus)
export const mdnsData = createMemo(() => mdnsState().mdnsData)
import { createMemo } from 'solid-js'
import { mdnsState } from './mdns'

export const mdnsStatus = createMemo(() => mdnsState().mdnsStatus)
export const mdnsData = createMemo(() => mdnsState().mdnsData)
12 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 2/4/2023 in #support
WebComponent Support
I am trying to use a WebComponent based package - so i tried:
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
item: 'esp-web-tools'
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
item: 'esp-web-tools'
However, i still get the error: Property 'esp-web-tools' does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'. How does one do this properly in SolidJS? This exact method worked fine in React - so not sure what to do here.
6 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 2/4/2023 in #support
WebSerial Support
I am trying to use the WebSerial api and i keep getting
Property 'serial' does not exist on type 'Navigator'
Property 'serial' does not exist on type 'Navigator'
How do i use the WebSerial API with Typescript and SolidJS?
44 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 1/26/2023 in #support
34 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 1/24/2023 in #support
Alright, i decided to crate a suppport thread for this -as i have multiple questions. For starters i have migrated the app and the router from solid-start to solidjs with success. All of the previous issues i mentioned are now solved and working as expected. I have a new issue, two in fact. One major and one minor. I'll start with the major one. tauri uses data-params on the html elements to allow attaching certain html elements to the rust backend - this workedfine inreact. It not longer works as expected in solidjs. What i mean by this is the following. Take this example html:
<div class="main-div">
<div data-tauri-drag-region class="titlebar" style="position:relative; z-index:10">
<div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-minimize">
<img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:window-minimize.svg" alt="minimize" />
<div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-maximize">
<img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:window-maximize.svg" alt="maximize" />
<div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-close">
<img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:close.svg" alt="close" />
<div id="root"></div>
<div class="main-div">
<div data-tauri-drag-region class="titlebar" style="position:relative; z-index:10">
<div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-minimize">
<img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:window-minimize.svg" alt="minimize" />
<div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-maximize">
<img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:window-maximize.svg" alt="maximize" />
<div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-close">
<img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:close.svg" alt="close" />
<div id="root"></div>
This is all i should need to create a custom titlebar. Now, the titlebar renders correctly, however there is no functionality. I should be able to click on the html element, minimize for example, and it minimizes the app. This does not happen, in fact nothing happens. However, i can click and drag on the titlebar and move the window around - so that is one functionality that is working correctly. I can also resize the window, though resizing the window is much less responsive than it should be.
75 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 12/24/2022 in #support
Random errors on previously working project
46 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 12/21/2022 in #support
Unable to Render Skeleton Component
Hello ya'll, as the title says. I have a react project were i made a Skeleton component - works exactly as expected. However porting this component to SolidJS the Skeleton does not render anything unless i Here is my code:
import { Component, Switch, Match } from 'solid-js'
import { ISkeletonProps } from '@static/types/interfaces'

const Skeleton: Component<ISkeletonProps> = (props: ISkeletonProps) => {
return (
<div class="animate-pulse">
<div class={`bg-gray-800 rounded-md ${props.class}`}>

const SkeletonHandler = (props: ISkeletonProps) => {
return (
<Switch fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
<Match when={props.render}>
<div class="wrapper-container mt-8">
<Skeleton class={props.class} />
<Match when={!props.render}>{props.children}</Match>

export default SkeletonHandler
import { Component, Switch, Match } from 'solid-js'
import { ISkeletonProps } from '@static/types/interfaces'

const Skeleton: Component<ISkeletonProps> = (props: ISkeletonProps) => {
return (
<div class="animate-pulse">
<div class={`bg-gray-800 rounded-md ${props.class}`}>

const SkeletonHandler = (props: ISkeletonProps) => {
return (
<Switch fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
<Match when={props.render}>
<div class="wrapper-container mt-8">
<Skeleton class={props.class} />
<Match when={!props.render}>{props.children}</Match>

export default SkeletonHandler
How i am trying to use it
import { A } from 'solid-start'
import SkeletonHandler from '@components/Skeleton'

const RenderMain = () => {
return (

const HandleMain = () => {
return (
<SkeletonHandler class="h-8 w-full mt-2" render={true}>
<RenderMain />

export default function Home() {
return (
<main class="flex justfiy-center flex-col items-center content-center text-center mx-auto text-gray-700 p-4">
<HandleMain />
import { A } from 'solid-start'
import SkeletonHandler from '@components/Skeleton'

const RenderMain = () => {
return (

const HandleMain = () => {
return (
<SkeletonHandler class="h-8 w-full mt-2" render={true}>
<RenderMain />

export default function Home() {
return (
<main class="flex justfiy-center flex-col items-center content-center text-center mx-auto text-gray-700 p-4">
<HandleMain />
I can see the divs rendered in the inspect tools - but the skeleton only renders if i put text inside of the div element
11 replies
Created by DaOfficialWizard🧙 on 12/19/2022 in #support
For Component
Hello ya'll, i have a <For> component with the following error:
This JSX tag's 'children' prop expects a single child of type '(item: Iinputs, index: Accessor<number>) => Element', but multiple children were provided.
This JSX tag's 'children' prop expects a single child of type '(item: Iinputs, index: Accessor<number>) => Element', but multiple children were provided.
With the following code:
interface FormProps {
inputs: Iinputs[]

const FormComponent: Component<FormProps> = (props) => {
return (
<div class="flex-it">
<For each={props.inputs}> {(input) => input.input()}</For>
interface FormProps {
inputs: Iinputs[]

const FormComponent: Component<FormProps> = (props) => {
return (
<div class="flex-it">
<For each={props.inputs}> {(input) => input.input()}</For>
My interfaces look like this:
export interface Iinternal {
errorMsg?: string
error?: boolean

export interface Iinputs {
input: (props?: Iinternal) => JSXElement
export interface Iinternal {
errorMsg?: string
error?: boolean

export interface Iinputs {
input: (props?: Iinternal) => JSXElement
I plan on passing in an array that looks like this:
export const inputs: Iinputs[] = [
input: (props?: Iinternal) => (
<Inputs label="Email" type="password" name="password" id="password" {...props} />
export const inputs: Iinputs[] = [
input: (props?: Iinternal) => (
<Inputs label="Email" type="password" name="password" id="password" {...props} />
Any help would be appreciated - new to SolidJS.
16 replies