PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by Takatobi on 6/24/2024 in #help-forum
落ちているアイテムを除外したいのであればどのverから使えるかわからなかったけど dropped items に落ちているアイテムの一覧取得ができたはずだから dropped items does not contain loop-entity で見ればできる気もする ただなんかSkBeeで確認した限り落ちてるアイテムは dropped item っていう特殊なクラスになってるっぽいから確実な手法は "%loop-entity%" でやっちゃうことだと思われ
23 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by あお🦀 on 6/21/2024 in #help-forum
No description
8 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by あお🦀 on 6/21/2024 in #help-forum
8 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by Tsukineko(月雲) on 3/19/2024 in #help-forum
それかあまりに鯖が古いならSkellettの方のtext component を使うのもあり
34 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by Tsukineko(月雲) on 3/19/2024 in #help-forum
SkBee のGitHub wikiに本の場合の使い方載っていた気がします
34 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by gladiolus8789 on 2/21/2024 in #help-forum
Reqnを使っている場合はよく一時変数がぶっ壊れて使えなくなります。 恐らく uuid of {po} などのグローバル変数にしたら治るかと
20 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by ねんねこ on 1/16/2024 in #help-forum
21 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by ねんねこ on 1/16/2024 in #help-forum
SkellettのStylish Scoreboardなんていかがでしょうか
21 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by ねんねこ on 1/16/2024 in #help-forum
21 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by T on 12/31/2023 in #help-forum
remove %itemstack% from %player%'s inventory
10 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by るび on 12/24/2023 in #help-forum
shoot で矢を打つと2個発射される
2個指定しているからではないのですかね? ~ from player and location({_x}, {_y}, {_z}, {_world}, {_yaw}, {_pitch}) ~ プレイヤーと この位置から って指定してるので2つ出ているのだと思われます
6 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by Tsukineko(月雲) on 12/9/2023 in #help-forum
speed 落としてみるとかは..?
16 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by るび on 11/18/2023 in #help-forum
event-slot is egg ができない
egg って確か spawn reason と重複しててなぜか spawn reason のほうが優先度高かった気がするので if type of event-item is "egg" parsed as itemtype とかすると治るかもしれない
6 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
if {test::%player%} is set:でクールタイムを作った時に、waitを使うとバグる
on rightclick holding enchanted book:
if uncoloured name of player's tool is "test":
if {test::%player%} is set:
difference of {test::%player%} and now < 10 seconds
set {test::%player%} to now
execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.portal.trigger ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
set {_countdown} to 10
apply potion of speed 2 without particles to player for 10 seconds
apply potion of jump boost 10 without particles to player for 10 seconds
loop 7 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
loop 3 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
remove speed from the player
remove jump boost from the player
on rightclick holding enchanted book:
if uncoloured name of player's tool is "test":
if {test::%player%} is set:
difference of {test::%player%} and now < 10 seconds
set {test::%player%} to now
execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.portal.trigger ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
set {_countdown} to 10
apply potion of speed 2 without particles to player for 10 seconds
apply potion of jump boost 10 without particles to player for 10 seconds
loop 7 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
loop 3 times:
send action bar "&a&l残り時間&c&l%{_countdown}%&a&l秒" to player
execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
wait 1 seconds
set {_countdown} to {_countdown} - 1
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
remove speed from the player
remove jump boost from the player
5 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
12 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
on rightclick holding enchanted book:
if uncoloured name of player's tool is "test":
if {skill.last::%player%} is set:
difference of {skill.last::%player%} and now < 2 seconds
set {_pos} to location of target block
set yaw of {_pos} to yaw of player
set pitch of {_pos} to pitch of player
add 0.5 to y-loc of {_pos}
set {_loc} to player's location
teleport player to {_pos}
set {_dist} to distance between {_pos} and {_loc}
loop all entities in radius 4 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
make player damage loop-entity by {_dist}
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.lightning_bolt.impact master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1"
set {_test} to location of the block 0 meter in front of player
show 500 "SPELL_INSTANT" particles at {_test} for player offset by 3, -1, 3
show 1000 "FIREWORKS_SPARK" particles at {_test} for player offset by 5, 0, 5
set {skill.last::%player%} to now
on rightclick holding enchanted book:
if uncoloured name of player's tool is "test":
if {skill.last::%player%} is set:
difference of {skill.last::%player%} and now < 2 seconds
set {_pos} to location of target block
set yaw of {_pos} to yaw of player
set pitch of {_pos} to pitch of player
add 0.5 to y-loc of {_pos}
set {_loc} to player's location
teleport player to {_pos}
set {_dist} to distance between {_pos} and {_loc}
loop all entities in radius 4 around player:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
make player damage loop-entity by {_dist}
execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.lightning_bolt.impact master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1"
set {_test} to location of the block 0 meter in front of player
show 500 "SPELL_INSTANT" particles at {_test} for player offset by 3, -1, 3
show 1000 "FIREWORKS_SPARK" particles at {_test} for player offset by 5, 0, 5
set {skill.last::%player%} to now
12 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
12 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by makaronipizaa on 11/12/2023 in #help-forum
on teleport:
set {_past} to past event-location
set {_future} to future event-location
set {_dist} to distance between {_past} and {_future}
on teleport:
set {_past} to past event-location
set {_future} to future event-location
set {_dist} to distance between {_past} and {_future}
12 replies