Anyway to apply filter forms like dashboard in a custom page which include table?
I had a custom page not related to a resource which have table and some widgets. I know that can expose filtering from table to widget but, I wondering if can apply a top filter forms like what can be applied to the dashboard (Feature start from v3.1)
7 replies
Select createOptionForm not saved with the record
I have the following code which it works in v2 but not after upgrade to v3. The category saved and appeared in the select, but when save the form it's not saved with the created model.
9 replies
How to get the values from other repeater items?
To sample represent, let's say we have a Repeater to choose a product from Select. When add a new item, I want to omit all selected options from the new Select. So the user can't select the same value twice
4 replies