Created by kantro on 4/19/2024 in #🙋|general-help
magentoRestAPI in next-sdk
@rohrig any suggestion?
3 replies
Created by maderlock on 1/29/2024 in #🙋|general-help
Where is the demo / a theme?
@rohrig Is there any guidelines for magento-integration in storefront-next13? Especially for the Configuring the SDK part of these docs. https://docs.vuestorefront.io/integrations/magento/getting-started/quick-start
5 replies
Created by kantro on 1/25/2024 in #🙋|general-help
storefront-nuxt3-magento2 integration
it looks very ok. Thank you
14 replies
Created by kantro on 1/25/2024 in #🙋|general-help
storefront-nuxt3-magento2 integration
@rohrig "@vue-storefront/middleware": "3.4.0",
14 replies
Created by kantro on 1/25/2024 in #🙋|general-help
storefront-nuxt3-magento2 integration
@rohrig hi, I have tried both version "@vue-storefront/magento-api": "2.2.0" and 2.3.0 but the Response is the same. Could you give me a link of this commits so I can see the code?
14 replies
Created by kantro on 1/25/2024 in #🙋|general-help
storefront-nuxt3-magento2 integration
in package.json file, I found my version is:
"@vue-storefront/magento-api": "^2.4.3",
Should I downgrade?
14 replies
Created by kantro on 1/25/2024 in #🙋|general-help
storefront-nuxt3-magento2 integration
Hi @rohrig . Yes of course. I put the content of middleware.config.js below. (I have borrow some ideas from project nuxt3-magento-sdk-storefront )
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

const cookieNames = {
currencyCookieName: 'vsf-currency',
countryCookieName: 'vsf-country',
localeCookieName: 'vsf-locale',
cartCookieName: 'vsf-cart',
customerCookieName: 'vsf-customer',
storeCookieName: 'vsf-store',
messageCookieName: 'vsf-message'

export const integrations = {
magento: {
location: '@vue-storefront/magento-api/server',
configuration: {
api: process.env.VSF_MAGENTO_GRAPHQL_URL,
cookies: {
cookiesDefaultOpts: {
httpOnly: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY || false,
secure: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_SECURE || false,
sameSite: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_SAME_SITE || 'lax',
path: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_PATH || '/',
defaultStore: 'default',
customApolloHttpLinkOptions: {
useGETForQueries: true,
magentoBaseUrl: process.env.VSF_MAGENTO_BASE_URL,
magentoApiEndpoint: process.env.VSF_MAGENTO_GRAPHQL_URL,
imageProvider: process.env.NUXT_IMAGE_PROVIDER,
recaptcha: {
isEnabled: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_ENABLED === 'true',
sitekey: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
secretkey: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
version: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_VERSION,
score: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_MIN_SCORE,
customer: {
customer_create_account_confirm: true,
/* VSF integration config */
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

const cookieNames = {
currencyCookieName: 'vsf-currency',
countryCookieName: 'vsf-country',
localeCookieName: 'vsf-locale',
cartCookieName: 'vsf-cart',
customerCookieName: 'vsf-customer',
storeCookieName: 'vsf-store',
messageCookieName: 'vsf-message'

export const integrations = {
magento: {
location: '@vue-storefront/magento-api/server',
configuration: {
api: process.env.VSF_MAGENTO_GRAPHQL_URL,
cookies: {
cookiesDefaultOpts: {
httpOnly: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY || false,
secure: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_SECURE || false,
sameSite: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_SAME_SITE || 'lax',
path: process.env.VSF_COOKIE_PATH || '/',
defaultStore: 'default',
customApolloHttpLinkOptions: {
useGETForQueries: true,
magentoBaseUrl: process.env.VSF_MAGENTO_BASE_URL,
magentoApiEndpoint: process.env.VSF_MAGENTO_GRAPHQL_URL,
imageProvider: process.env.NUXT_IMAGE_PROVIDER,
recaptcha: {
isEnabled: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_ENABLED === 'true',
sitekey: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
secretkey: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
version: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_VERSION,
score: process.env.VSF_RECAPTCHA_MIN_SCORE,
customer: {
customer_create_account_confirm: true,
/* VSF integration config */
Also I tried to change the useGETForQueries to false but the behavior was exactly the same.
14 replies
Created by drafty on 11/28/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Can Vue Storefront?
This is not "own server". It's DigitalOcean server.
5 replies
Created by kantro on 3/2/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Contribution via a specific issue
Hi again @rohrig and not only. The pull request is up https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-nuxt2-magento2/pull/7. In magento go-to template had to modify some more files. You can see and review them. If anything of my pull request make any troubles, let me know to fix it asap.
9 replies
Created by kantro on 3/2/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Contribution via a specific issue
For sure, I ll fix it via a PR the next hours, but my original question about repositories is still remaining. Should I do the same on that repositories? PS: Could you assign the issue to me, please?
9 replies
Created by kantro on 3/2/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Contribution via a specific issue
Hi @rohrig . I added the solution at the issue.
9 replies