Created by PhpMadman on 3/23/2025 in #❓┊help
Custom page with Infolist and ->badge
Hello, I'm trying to build a custom page with a infolist, where I want my statuses in their own section grouped by the group column I got that working, but now I'm trying to make the TextEntry in to a badge with the status color, but neither badge or color is being applied.

return TextEntry::make( "statuses.{$status['id']}.name" )
->color( Color::Rose )
->label( $status['name'] );

return TextEntry::make( "statuses.{$status['id']}.name" )
->color( Color::Rose )
->label( $status['name'] );
Any idea on why it would not apply badge or color? Does it not work on pages? I have added implements HasInfolists and use InteractsWithInfolists but that did not help
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