Standards/Conventions for Solid/SolidStart project setup
Hey Coders, still new to SolidJS and trying to wrap my head around overall project setup/dev workflow. I'm curious to know if there are any agreed upon conventions of project scaffolding, composition patterns, and overall best practices for both Solid & Solid Start.
Most information seems geared towards developers in or coming from React but I've been stuck in a bespoke JS framework for 6+ years. I don't have a frame of reference to the popular libraries out there so I'm just trying to fill in some knowledge gags. (e.g. usage of JSX-- thought it was tied to React only, not sure where JSX ends and SolidJSX begins). I would appreciate any input, opinions, recommended reading, watching, etc. The livestreams have been invaluable, and I'm super greatful Ryan takes the time to do those.
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