Saving repeater without using the saveRelationShipUsing
Hi, I have a repeater with nested relations the repeater does not save it right because every model consist of more than table so i need to save it using custom code in SaveRelationUsing it is working now but this pattern repeater in multiple resources so i need to extract this logic to afterSave hook but the issue is the repeater values is not present in $data array
Is there any way to access the updated values of repeater fields in after or before save hooks?
17 replies
Customizing relation manager actions
I need to customize create action behavior but can not find anything in the documentation,
i found this in RelationManager class and tried using it but it did not work
3 replies
Using JS in a filament custom form component
What I am trying to do:
Trying to run JS in filament custom form component
What I did:
I included script tags with console logs in the component but it never triggers i tried including the scripts using @push and directly but both did not work.
My issue/the error:
The Js is not triggering in filament custom component
3 replies