apt purge pulseaudio
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
aalib aspell babl enchant exiv2 game-music-emu gexiv2 ghostscript
gimp-data gpgme gpgmepp graphene gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base
gstreamer gtk2 harfbuzz-icu jbig2dec json-c kwindowsystem libass
libbluray libcaca libcue libdvdnav libdvdread libflac libhyphen libidn
liblua52 liblua54 liblxqt libmp3lame libmypaint libnspr libnss libogg
libopencore-amr libopus libqtxdg libsamplerate libsndfile libsoxr
libsrt libssh libtheora libuchardet libudfread libv4l libvidstab
libvo-amrwbenc libvorbis libvpx libwebrtc-audio-processing libx264
libxpm libxpresent libxv libzimg lilv lv2 mypaint-brushes ocl-icd
openal-soft opusfile poppler poppler-data rubberband serd sord speexdsp
sratom svt-av1 xvidcore
Use 'apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
audacious-plugins* ffmpeg* firefox* fluidsynth* gegl* gimp*
gst-plugins-good* libcanberra* libopenmpt* mpg123* mpv-x*
pavucontrol-qt* pipewire* pulseaudio* pulseaudio-glib*
qt5-qtmultimedia* sdl2* webkit2gtk-4.1* zenity*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 19 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 403 MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]