Javier Mercedes
Modal open event not firing
Hi, I'm trying to create a custom Livewire component with the Modal component and in the docs says that I can run this, I tried in the mount hook:
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'the id in question');
but I tried in many ways and I can't get it to trigger, is there something I'm missing?
4 replies
Trying to use the before method on the DeleteAction button
Hi, when I try to use the DeleteAction's before method and get the $this->record, I get the error "Using $this when not in object context", I followed the documentation in this page https://filamentphp.com/docs/2.x/admin/resources/deleting-records#halting-the-deletion-process
14 replies
beforeSave get data from form
Hi, I want to use the beforeSave function on an Edit form, but in the docs is not saying how to get the data from the form to run a validation, I can't do it with the rules() directive because there are some custom fields that are generated dynamically and I can't get the data from that
3 replies