Missing files running php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-views" on filament v3
Of course, in this case I would copy the Filament login view, since I want all of it just with the addition of a button for Google (or whichever OAuth provider)
57 replies
Missing files running php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-views" on filament v3
In terms of just pointing to a different view, it worked like a charm.. Going to post what I did for the quick mockup.. What are the tags again for code snippets? ☺️
57 replies
Missing files running php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-views" on filament v3
@Filament I'm guessing it's by design, but in V3 we are no longer able to publish the login page views so we can edit. Is there an "official" way to add things like Socialite links as a login method?
57 replies