Created by wottavm on 9/28/2024 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to add a custom row to the exporter?
Good morning everyone, I couldn't find much documentation on this so hopefully someone knows. Is it possible to add a custom row row before the header row for excel exports? Reason for the question is because I have an excel that uses a specific format which we need to follow. Let me know if it is possible and if not that fine to! Thanks in advance!
4 replies
Created by wottavm on 4/5/2024 in #❓┊help
alter new resource label
No description
3 replies
Created by wottavm on 12/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Allow reorderable without fillable column?
Good evening everyone! I am somewhat stuck on adding reorderable. I noticed that I am required to add the sort column in my fillable property. However, normally I use guarded only. The catch is if I only add the sort to the fillable the whole form does not work. Has somebody else had the same issue and if so did you resolve it or did you add all fillable columns? I really don't want to add them all😅
13 replies
Created by wottavm on 12/10/2023 in #❓┊help
Page that extends RegisterTenant gives error.
I am following the docs from the following page to enable tenants within filament. ( https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/tenancy#adding-a-tenant-registration-page ) Currenly when I created a new user and I am redirected to the RegisterTeam page which extends the RegisterTenant page I am getting the following error. The error is very logical but, I am uncertain how to add that function. This error comes from the index.blade.php from a clean filament install. If this is a bug I will create a ticket on GH.
Method App\Filament\App\Pages\RegisterTeam::getCachedSubNavigation does not exist.
Method App\Filament\App\Pages\RegisterTeam::getCachedSubNavigation does not exist.
3 replies
Created by wottavm on 10/10/2023 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to trigger JS on row click using table actions?
This is a real simple question where I could not find an answer to online. If this is possible it would be great to get an explanation on how to achieve this. If this is not possible at all that is just as fine since I understand that we have an builtin modal. However my co-workers don't want to use those... So yeah just wondering 😄
3 replies
Created by wottavm on 7/12/2023 in #❓┊help
Card filters based on table filters
Hello everyone, I was wondering if it was possible to pass table filters "down/up" to cards within a resource and use them there. Tried looking at some possibilities but couldn't find a solution yet. What I have now:
__('Amount of', ['type' => __('credit', locale: 'nl')], 'nl'),
__('Amount of', ['type' => __('credit', locale: 'nl')], 'nl'),
I want to add some additional filters to the query when the table has been filtered on account_id = zzzzxxxxxccccc.
4 replies
Created by wottavm on 7/5/2023 in #❓┊help
Issues creating record with multi-file upload
Hello everyone, I have created a simple resource including the following FileUpload.
Which uses the json type in the database. However, when I want to save the resource, I get an Array to String conversion error. I am getting the following data all the way in the Str class.
6 => array:2 [
0 => "transaction_attachments/A9w9noTN1feXWe8gWpLOt0qD25fSmv-metad291dGVyX3Zhbl9tYXJydW0ucGRm-.pdf"
1 => "transaction_attachments/uGq6pUXNVWwQtoTk5UxcnZelzcPJnB-metaTWJvIE1lZGV3ZXJrZXIgSUNUIC0gRU4ucGRm-.pdf"
6 => array:2 [
0 => "transaction_attachments/A9w9noTN1feXWe8gWpLOt0qD25fSmv-metad291dGVyX3Zhbl9tYXJydW0ucGRm-.pdf"
1 => "transaction_attachments/uGq6pUXNVWwQtoTk5UxcnZelzcPJnB-metaTWJvIE1lZGV3ZXJrZXIgSUNUIC0gRU4ucGRm-.pdf"
The error is being thrown in: vendor/filament/filament/src/Resources/Pages/CreateRecord.php:137 Which is the handleRecordCreation method. And to top off the information regarding the model I have the following setup aside from relations:
protected $guarded = [];

protected $cast = [
'type' => TransactionTypes::class,
'attachments' => 'array',

protected $dates = [
protected $guarded = [];

protected $cast = [
'type' => TransactionTypes::class,
'attachments' => 'array',

protected $dates = [
Has anybody seen this before?
7 replies