zouhair lyz
zouhair lyz
Created by zouhair lyz on 11/26/2024 in #❓┊help
How to dynamically update Province select based on Region select in Filament Tables filter?
Hi everyone, I’m using Filament Tables and have two dependent filters: Region and Province. I want the Province select options to update dynamically when a Region is selected, without refreshing the entire page. Here’s my current setup: php Copier le code ->filters([ SelectFilter::make('region_id') ->label('Region') ->searchable() ->options(Region::pluck('name', 'id')) ->query(fn($query, $data) => $data ? $query->whereHas('province', fn($q) => $q->where('region_id', $data)) : null), SelectFilter::make('province_id') ->label('Province') ->searchable() ->options(fn() => request()->input('tableFilters.region_id') ? Province::where('region_id', request()->input('tableFilters.region_id'))->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray() : []) ->query(fn($query, $data) => $data ? $query->where('province_id', $data) : null), ]) The Province select doesn’t update after selecting a Region unless the page is refreshed. Is there a way to dynamically update the Province options upon Region change, using a Filament-native approach or Livewire? Thanks in advance!
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