Karim Ahmed
Explore posts from serversDeploying Django with celery, celery beat and channels
I was trying to deploy a Django project that uses celery and channels, I have tried different Procfile commands and i can't get the server and celery work at the same time
i used this command and only the celery worked and the djagno project didn't
web: celery -A project worker --pool=solo -l INFO & celery -A project beat -l INFO & daphne -b -p $PORT project.asgi:application
6 replies
How to cancel Credit-based subscription
I subscribed to a credit-based plan by mistake, and I want to change it to a developer plan, but I can't do this when I hit manage plan I get that I have to pay my billings that I didn't use.
so how to change my plan to a developer plan in which I pay for what I use?
16 replies