Created by Goblin on 1/23/2024 in #💬・get-help
Powershell command not running
I was apparently still on the official branch, if I remember correctly. Which is weird since I remember switching almost immediately after this fork was announced. Honestly, I don't think I could live without hass agent anymore 😀 Once I switched to this version (again), it started working. Also my media device started showing correctly. I'm running 2.1.0 right now.
21 replies
Created by Goblin on 1/23/2024 in #💬・get-help
Powershell command not running
Oh, I completely forgot. Yes, after installing that update, it works like charm. Sorry for not responding sooner.
21 replies
Created by Goblin on 9/29/2024 in #💬・get-help
No media player entity
Please, take no offense, I just stated that to show I have tried to solve this myself - I depend on your work so much that I can't say anything bad about it, ever :-) Anyway, removing previous integration and installing the new one solved the issue. I didn't see the "2" in the title and kept reinstalling the old one over and over again. Now the abandoned version should be purged and all should be well again!
13 replies
Created by Goblin on 1/23/2024 in #💬・get-help
Powershell command not running
It took me a while since I had to find it again. I'm honestly quite green in terms of powershell (I thought it was an old Icelandic curse until recently). Here it is: https://github.com/frgnca/AudioDeviceCmdlets
21 replies
Created by Goblin on 1/23/2024 in #💬・get-help
Powershell command not running
What directory: Does not matter, last try was in C:\Users\Me Is it elevated: No, it's run as me, regular user Version of HASS.Agent 2.0.1 Command from json: -------
"Id": "6c50dcb8-8b88-410e-902b-b048d27f5f02",
"Name": "pc_kher_switchtospeakers",
"EntityName": "pc_kher_switchtospeakers",
"Type": "PowershellCommand",
"EntityType": "button",
"Command": "Set-AudioDevice -id \"{}.{9a3730ee-fb93-41c1-bd3b-d255652cf07b}\"",
"KeyCode": 0,
"RunAsLowIntegrity": false,
"Keys": []
"Id": "6c50dcb8-8b88-410e-902b-b048d27f5f02",
"Name": "pc_kher_switchtospeakers",
"EntityName": "pc_kher_switchtospeakers",
"Type": "PowershellCommand",
"EntityType": "button",
"Command": "Set-AudioDevice -id \"{}.{9a3730ee-fb93-41c1-bd3b-d255652cf07b}\"",
"KeyCode": 0,
"RunAsLowIntegrity": false,
"Keys": []
-------- Single command? Yes, nothing more. Note at the end: Yes, I have seen it but wanted to show you anyway since it might mean that powershell commands in general might not work as intended. If it's just my case, I can wait for the new release of course :-) Thank you (for your time and effort on all of this!).
21 replies