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.Net desktop errors

Morning all I woke up to errors on hass.agent.exe starting up on my machine. Been running fine for years! Is this a me issue? Should i download and install teh suggested, or is it because i am running an out of date version or something?...
let me now try and install 12
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HASS Agent Notifications Stopped Working

I had notifications working, and now even the local test notification is not showing up. The logs just state it failed to create the notification, but is no more verbose than that. I am using a scheduled task to run this as admin (same user who has local admin privileges), seems to work fine when run normally. The admin account and my main account are the same. I am just referring to right clicking and running as admin....
That doesn't work, hass.agent is user, satellite is admin

command does work with mqtt topic, works without

sorry to bring up another one of these 😅 i have a command i want to run
nircmd setdisplay monitor:0 1920 1080 32
nircmd setdisplay monitor:0 1920 1080 32
it runs fine like that, but i want the last 3 arguments to change so i tried to set it up as an mqtt action topic...

Renamed the HA host PC - HA still discovers the old PC name

Home Assistant is running as a VM on a Windows PC. I had initially named my Window host PC "HomeAssistant-PC" and had installed HASS.Agent. I renamed the Windows PC "HASS-PC" (shorter name). I uninstalled HASS.Agent from the Windows PC and cleared all directories (I think) and reinstalled. But Home Assistant continues to show "Discovered / HomeAssistant-PC / HASS.Agent / ADD IGNORE" and after manually adding "HASS-PC" to HASS.Agent it shows the "HASS-PC" as unavailable. Also, I see this (see below) in the logs for "HomeAssistant-PC" which may be a clue (?). I've deleted all entries in MQTT related to "HomeAssistant-PC" but entries come back. So, I'm guessing there is something I have not properly cleaned from HASS-PC. Logger: homeassistant.config_entries Source: config_entries.py:855...
Never mind. I just restarted Home Assistant (again - not for the 1st or 2nd time) and now it sees "HASS-PC" not "HomeAssistant-PC". So, I think the problem is resolved. Sorry for the premature post.

Sometimes mqtt commands just don't work

I think it's audio related. The jist of it is I have headphones and speakers that I try to switch between using a zigbee button, but sometimes until I restart hassagent this won't work at all I think something is crashing and not recovering properly. Here's the -only- logs during this time ...

USB Human Presence sensor does not show at the internaldevice sensor list

I use a Lenovo Smartthink HUB as a Home Assistant Dashboard and has a Internal USB Human Presence sensor but does not show up on the sensor list is there a way i can use that in HASS Agent?

LastActive Sensor Inconsistent

I am trying to use the lastactive sensor in order to turn off my busy light when away from my PC. I have found this works, but only sometimes. It is very inconsistent and I am making no changes to config between when it works and doesn't. I assume there is something on my PC that may run on occasion, making the system think it is active....
@Subjunctive @Amadeo you may find this of interest. I wrote some, definitely not ChatGPT authored code... And I managed to figure out what was causing it. Essentially using the RawInput API and then logging the Vendor and Product IDs. I then used USBTreeView to check which device had that ID. Its a custom control board for my sim pedals spamming like crazy....

Sensor instance not always available throws breaking error - how to ignore?

I have just started out with HASS.Agent. My use is only for providing sensors for the Windows server it is running on. I have it up and running with the sensors showing up fine in HA. The problem is when I want to watch Performance Counter sensors related to processes that are not always running. If I add them when the processes are running everthing works fine, for then. If at a later time the process is not running when I save sensors configuration or when I (re)start HASS.Agent, it throws an error - e.g. on start "Error loading sensors: Instance [process name] does not exist in the specified Category". If I edit sensors configuration and try to save the edits and the process is not running, I get a similar error and the configuration edits are not saved. ...

Custom command works if command is .bat file but not if the commands itself is entered

I have the following command
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" ""
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Volume View\SoundVolumeView.exe" /SetSpatial "2- B10PRO\Device\Speakers\Render" ""
which references an external application, but it runs fine if i have hass agent execute a .bat file that contains the command. If I put the command directly into the command field, however, it simply doesnt execute. I checked the log files, I see nothing at the relevant timestamp...

Too many keystrokes

This thread was auto created from this message by @johnsontom7827. Just getting started and I'm struggling with keystrokes, it seems to many keystrokes get sent....

Restarted, config files now refuse to load

I have made 0 changes, I even had the 3 json files open in notepad++ for months without reloading them even once. I copied the text inside them, put them in a new tab, and reloaded the file. They were identical. None of the files have been modified since 2024 "LastUpdateNotificationShown": "2.1.1-beta2", Here's my config files too...

Button Just opens up history

Hi there. I've setup my button however when i press it, it just opens up the history? What am I doing wrong? ```yaml - type: buttons entities: - entity: button.deskpc_lock...
@Shifty / Arlo something like this works tho 🙂 ``` type: entities show_header_toggle: false state_color: true...
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I set up one sensor - it shows in entities but not in the device?

This appears to be by design but the first test sensor I setup shows under entities in HA but doesn't show up under the device info for the computer that it is running on? Wouldn't it make sense to combine sensor/entities here to make it easier to manage?
this is the mediaplayer/notifikation sensors/buttons shows upp on the device uinder mqtt yes, it is confusing whit two seperate devises for the s...
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Removed a satellite sensor, but still shows up in HA

Hi! I encountered a (potential) issue. I created a satellite sensor, but decided to remove it because of a name change. But after that it still shows up in HA, with status unknown, while being gone in the configuration....
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migrate hass agent to a new device?

is this possible somehow or do i need to set everything up all over again
ok so, in general you need to backup whole config folder

no commands/sensors

for around a week ive been getting no entities, rolled back to 2.1.1 with no success. discovery notification also not clearing after setting up the device but might not be important
The commands/sensors should be in the mqtt integration
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Windows app no UI, shows up in task manager

Hi, not sure what happened but starting yesterday, one of my Hass.agent instanaces has stopped working. I see the app running in task manager but there's no icon in the taskbar. I tried reinstalling it and am still having the issue.
Seems ike appsettings.json was corrupted. Renamed the existing one, reinstalled, we're back in action

Monitor Wake vs Sleep

Monitor wake is not working but monitor sleep is, anyone have any ideas why? I have the commands set on the pc side but in home assistant only sleep works and not wake
I've realized it works now with an automation I had set up still just not the button anymore

Unable to control media player (except for volume)

I've just reinstalled HASS.agent, updating to the latest 2.1.0-beta1 on both PC and HA, and am able to see my media_player in HA, including cover art and progress bar. However, I am unable to use next, previous, or play/pause. Tried in Tidal, Windows Media Player, and YouTube Music (progressive web app). Volume controls are the only bit that work. Any ideas on what to look at?

Enhance notifications

Hi, I installed HASS.Agent today and I have a couple of questions about notifications: - is it possible to change the notification style and make it more prominent? E.g. a pop-up window - is it possible to create an automation that continues differently depending on the answer on the notification itself? E.g. clicking the Ok or the Cancel button? Thank you for your assistance....
hello 🙂
is it possible to change the notification style and make it more prominent? E.g. a pop-up window
not atm I'm afraid, HASS.Agent uses the windows API to show notifications, creating a popup ones would basically mean creating our own framework from ground up (not saying that it won't happen sometime, just not possible atm ootb) ...