Aadit Nagori
Aadit Nagori
Created by Aadit Nagori on 2/19/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Was hoping to get some questions answered
Hi everyone, I am a student in university and as a part of one of my classes I was told to conduct interviews with people in fields was interested in. I have been interested in fashion and elevating my outfit choices for a while but have had trouble doing so in the past and thus wanted to combine my curiosity and my assignment into this post. I have taken permission from the mods and they have allowed me to ask you guys my questions. I have written my questions below. Looking forward to reading all of your responses! 1.     What is the hardest part about putting together an outfit during your day-to-day routine or in preparation for an event ? 2.     Can you describe the last time you had that problem ? 3.     What emotions do you usually associate with that problem ? 4.     When was the last time you tried to solve this issue? 5.     Was there anything insufficient about this solution and if so, what was it ? 6.     What are the emotions you feel when putting together an outfit for an important event or something you have been looking forward to compared to the emotions you feel when having to put together an outfit for uninteresting and mundane events when you do not want to think too much about what you are wearing ? 7.     What are some solutions you have explored to make putting together outfits generally more streamlined or easier ? 8.     Where do you get the inspiration for some of your outfits and do you consider how you would pair an item of clothing you are purchasing with your existing wardrobe ? 9.     Individual flair and a personal sense of style seem to be important when it comes to putting outfits together, How do you incorporate your personality and individual flair in your outfits and is it something you actively consider when purchasing new items ? Thanks a lot again! if anyone is willing to let me interview them to answer the same questions written here that would be amazing! please let me know via DM's and thanks again !
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