Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 10/26/2024 in #typhonjs-runtime
TRL `0.2.0` Release
I actually write all the types I need myself. But we are getting off topic. I really appreciate the help. I'll now try to convert my actual module to the new version.
69 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 10/26/2024 in #typhonjs-runtime
TRL `0.2.0` Release
Thanks. That works for me. I already tried verbatimModuleSyntax before but instead of a build I just started the dev server.
Unless you are a TS expert too you should be forewarned that using Typescript w/ Foundry in general is a really mixed bag and you should be ready for headaches.
Coming from a backend developer background for large enterprise applications where clean code is everything it feels just wrong not to have types 😅
69 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 10/26/2024 in #typhonjs-runtime
TRL `0.2.0` Release
I checked out template-svelte-esm added <script lang="ts" the the BaseAppShell and "typescript": "^5.4.5", to devDependencies. Then I run npm install and started vite dev
69 replies
Created by TyphonJS (Michael) on 10/26/2024 in #typhonjs-runtime
TRL `0.2.0` Release
<script lang="ts">
import { ApplicationShell } from '#runtime/svelte/component/application';

export let elementRoot;

<svelte:options accessors={true}/>

<ApplicationShell bind:elementRoot>
<h1>Basic application</h1>
<script lang="ts">
import { ApplicationShell } from '#runtime/svelte/component/application';

export let elementRoot;

<svelte:options accessors={true}/>

<ApplicationShell bind:elementRoot>
<h1>Basic application</h1>
Using <script lang="ts"> no longer works with this version? Error: "ApplicationShell is not defined"
69 replies