Daniel Kužela
Builder blocks with spatie media library field
And this specific issue I was trying to solve is to make something like Page Builder, where in Vue I just define some components and I can now use them in Builder. One more think I would love is to have preview of every builder component so is more user friendly rather than just names.
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Builder blocks with spatie media library field
Hey, did not have the chance to get to know Curator yet, but from what I see, I started with Spatie as I liked that instant generation of responsive images set and I see that curator is more of and file manager, but I am using only files related to specific model, so there is no need for this. Most of it is managed by Filament/Livewire, like cropping, resizing and stuff and once this is done, Spatie takes over and do other thinks like saving to db, generating thumbs or responsive images etc.
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