Set default image src in FileEditor
Ok two things fixed this!
1: getting rid of ->directory (as I was already saving that in my database as part of the path to the image)
2: adding ->visibility('private') as I am not using a public bucket and need pre-signed urls
3: adding a working CORS policy to the R2 bucket on cloudflar
The image now shows up correctly 🙂
16 replies
Set default image src in FileEditor
Yes I love that idea. When I get back in there I will have a fresher mind as well. Sometimes when learning new things it takes a session or two until it clicks. I was working on this during a flight. Maybe I’ll crack the issue on my flight home 🙂
16 replies
Set default image src in FileEditor
Thanks @DrByte it should already be using the local file system until it saves to the db.
I guess my question is: am I on the right track? I wasn’t sure if it was even possible to do what I desire here. I can definitely debut further and remove one thing at a time until it fails, but I’ve never gotten it to work yet.
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