Is it bad to have A LOT of `createEffect` in a single component ?
not really, it's just to have a getter and setter that has the same name (and also same name as the prop it could get in the component)
so i can just spread the props to the class from the component
25 replies
Is it bad to have A LOT of `createEffect` in a single component ?
if i need to add more context : when I do
it'll automatically update the property X
of the element on the JavaFX side
so for example, if i run label.setText("something");
it'll automatically apply the text to the element and render it
it's like doing element.innerText = "something"
in a DOM25 replies
Is it bad to have A LOT of `createEffect` in a single component ?
what do you really mean by "it ultimately depends on the shape of your reactivity graph whether transitions cluster within the same update of the graph"
i think i don't know the exact meaning of "reactivity graph" or "transitions"
25 replies