Ankur Datta
•Created by Elias on 12/12/2024 in #help-and-questions
"upsertMany" with transaction timing out
Hey there @Elias 👋🏾 ,
A simple solution would be to break down the request into smaller chunks. For example, handle 100 records at a time.
On top of that, to further improve performance, you could then use a library like Parallel.js to divide processing to separate processes. For example: Have 5 processes (depends on the number of cores you have) each handling 100 requests.
5 replies
•Created by jeromec8194 on 9/3/2024 in #help-and-questions
Deploying to Vercel
I could see that failing as it would do sth like:
prisma.myModel.create( { null } )
7 replies
•Created by jeromec8194 on 9/3/2024 in #help-and-questions
Deploying to Vercel
❌ prisma.myModel.create( {data} ) seems to fail silently, the console.log that follows it never runs. I've triple checked, data matches my db's schema....Do you have some logs for us to look at? And is it possible that
is null somehow?7 replies
•Created by sylvester stallone on 3/28/2024 in #help-and-questions
is there still no option to manually invalidate the cache?
Hey @Ved and @Raj 👋🏾 , thanks for letting your interest known. We'll reach out to you once the feature is out 😄 .
11 replies
•Created by Sabin Adams on 8/14/2024 in #help-and-questions
Pulse Type
Thanks @Sabin Adams !
16 replies
•Created by Sabin Adams on 8/14/2024 in #help-and-questions
Pulse Type
Hey @Sabin Adams 👋🏾 , hope you're doing well 😃 !
A lot of the docs and integrations seemed out of dateCould you share which part of the docs did you find out to be outdated 🙏🏾 ?
16 replies
•Created by sylvester stallone on 3/28/2024 in #help-and-questions
is there still no option to manually invalidate the cache?
@colhoop we're working on cache invalidation for Accelerate 😄 . Keep an eye on the #announcements channel for any news on this 👀 .
11 replies
•Created by Bobson on 7/4/2024 in #help-and-questions
Setting up Prsma Pulse with AWS RDS
Can you check whether the accepted answer helps resolve the issue?
11 replies
•Created by Bobson on 7/4/2024 in #help-and-questions
Setting up Prsma Pulse with AWS RDS
Hey there @Bobson ,
Can you connect to your database from Prisma ORM from your localhost or a tool such as PgAdmin?
11 replies
•Created by johnk on 6/20/2024 in #help-and-questions
Prisma Nuxt RollupError
Hey @yinxingmaiming6409 , do you have a small reproduction of the issue? That'll help me identify what the issue maybe.
8 replies
•Created by johnk on 6/20/2024 in #help-and-questions
Prisma Nuxt RollupError
Hey there @johnk ,
Can you provide some steps to reproduce the error?
- What version of Nuxt are you running?
- Is it a fresh project or is there any custom config?
- What version of NodeJs are you using?
That'll help us debug the issue better 🙂 .
8 replies
•Created by Yonatan on 5/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Pulse listening to all schemas in my RDS instance
Hey @Yonatan 👋🏾 , this is intended by default. To listen to specific changes in your schema, you'll have to create custom publications and submit the publication name when starting a new pulse project;
You can follow our advanced setup guide which is available on our paid plans.
2 replies
•Created by sylvester stallone on 3/28/2024 in #help-and-questions
is there still no option to manually invalidate the cache?
how would this work on a findManyIt would be a bit tricky with findMany, but it's doable. Let me know if I need to elaborate 😄 .
Also when is cache invalidation shipping in accelerate? is there an RFP we could trakc?We have no timelines for this as of yet. I'll let you know once we have something 🙏🏾 .
11 replies