Created by Log1x on 9/1/2023 in #❓┊help
Sort resource by relationship count – exception when empty
I have Developers that own Software and I'm currently using $table->defaultSort('software_count', 'desc') to sort my developers by the amount of software they have on my DeveloperResource. If a developer does not have any software, I get an SQL exception for Unknown column 'software_count' in 'order clause' Is there any way around that? It's just a simple HasMany relationship. I get this same issue with Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('software_count') but I think I can maybe do a hidden() conditional check on it or something – but I also feel like I might be missing something. Ideally it'd just default to 0.
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Created by Log1x on 8/3/2023 in #❓┊help
Using $panel->profile() with normal Page
is there a good way to extend the EditProfile page to bring it into a normal panel page layout? id like to use the ->profile() panel functionality but I get screamed at over route stuff if I pass a normal Page to it and EditProfile its self has some goodies in it for handling saving, etc. so I kind of want to use it. mainly just have too much user profile data to make it look good on the SimplePage layout so getting kind of trolled 😩
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