Created by Heus-Sueh on 8/22/2024 in #questions
my recipe-vm is not being built successfully
You're missing a dash before "type" in vm.yml
6 replies
Created by Heus-Sueh on 8/22/2024 in #questions
my recipe-vm is not being built successfully
Submitted a PR to your repo with a fix.
6 replies
Created by thaleous on 8/11/2024 in #questions
change the system name
14 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
I'm using it to run tree /tmp in the recipe so that I can figure out what files exist and their names and directory structure after using the copy function, so that I then install the right .rpm in the recipe.
20 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
Well, the build is progressing. This is for test-purposes only. I exported the /usr/bin/bluebuild from the distrobox. Manual method: 1. distrobox-enter bluebuild 2. distrobox-export --bin /usr/bin/bluebuild Mine is doing it automatically using distrobox-assemble (using the distrobox.ini file above). I run the command distrobox-assemble create --file ~/path/to/distrobox.ini --name bluebuild and it destroys the previous one, creates the new distrobox, and then exports the bin to ~/.local/bin/bluebuild
20 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
Thanks for the help, @xyny !
20 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
Fixing this now!
20 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
Depends on the way $PATH is set for the running user. Mine is set to add ~/.local/bin at the end of the pre-existing $PATH. echo $PATH for this running user shows: /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/var/home/sukarn/.local/bin:/var/home/sukarn/.local/bin So /usr/local/bin was taking precedence.
20 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
Seems to be progressing with --build-driver podman now.
20 replies
Created by Sukarn on 8/8/2024 in #questions
What is the `main` image in cli module documentation?
Thanks @xyny . I did a bit of digging using bluebuild --version inside and outside the distrobox, and they reported different versions. Using whereis bluebuild on the host showed that for some reason, I have /usr/bin/bluebuild built into the host os, even though I don't see any instructions in my build recipes, files and scripts to install bluebuild to the host image. Not sure where and how this snuck in. As a result, /usr/bin/bluebuild has been taking precedence over ~/.local/bin/bluebuild from the distrobox. Now that I know I have to explicitly call ~/.local/bin/bluebuild I just have to figure out the next step: dealing with the docker socket error: ERROR: failed to initialize builder bluebuild (bluebuild0): Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? I'm trying to figure that one out now.
20 replies