Created by Filip on 4/24/2023 in #support
Vite app with Solid and React files simultaneously
I'm using a Laravel app in which i have several Solid components that I used in my traditional server side templates. I use Vite for bundling and transpiling these components with vite-plugin-solid and it worked fine until i added React and its Vite plugin (@vitejs/plugin-react) as I also plan to use React as my main "templating engine" with some Solid components sprinkled (e.g. with package). My guess is that Vite gets confused and either uses Solid to compile React's JSX or vice versa. Is there a way i can tell Vite some files use Solid's flavor of JSX and the rest use React's? Just like I'm telling TypeScript I'm using Solid's JSX in Solid component files by using @jsxImportSource pragma.
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