Created by Konaś on 12/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Docker with Laravel 11, Filament 3
Hello, i need docker compose for Laravel 11 with Filament 3 I make few containers but it doesn't work. Can someone send me some sources or config files or other type of help? 🙂
13 replies
Created by Konaś on 9/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Register email verification on production
I have Google SMTP in my app. Basic forms like contact works well. Problem is when user register into application, he catch notification "confirm email" but this emails are not send. When i run php artisan queue:work its send all verification mails for every users. How to repair / change this? Any idea?
5 replies
Created by Konaś on 9/1/2024 in #❓┊help
filament v3 assets not loading on production
I have project locally, everything working. I move files on web hosting, Nginx, Ubuntu 24.04, Claudflare, Filament v3, Laravel 11 When i login into the panel i have asset error that alpine...js use http and require is https or something like that. Anybody have nginx config for that? Or other solution Thanks 🙂
7 replies