Created by Jefry on 9/11/2024 in #❓┊help
is it possible to create a notification in alpinejs without it going to the server?
<div class="background-light900_dark200 relative max-w-4xl overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-gray-200 px-5 py-10 shadow-sm dark:border-none" x-data="{ vote(type) { if (!$wire.userId) { return new FilamentNotification() .title('Please sign in') .body('You need to sign in to vote') .icon('heroicon-o-exclamation-circle') .iconColor('warning') .send() } // vote logic here } }">
6 replies
Created by Jefry on 8/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Can't login on multiple panels
I was using my default admin panel , i then created a new one called cashiers, whrn i try to log in it says credentials not found but when i try to login on the default one it does log in. Does it have to do with the user resource not being part of the cashier panel?
5 replies
Created by Jefry on 8/7/2024 in #❓┊help
How to validate two fields combined are unique
Here i need to validate the name and size_id are unique, i could do it in laravel but how could i in filamentphp. Thanks for answering schema([ TextInput::make('name')->label('Nombre')->required(), TextInput::make('purchase_price')->label('Precio de compra')->required()->numeric(), TextInput::make('sale_price')->label('Precio de venta')->required()->numeric(), TextInput::make('filled_weight')->label('Peso lleno')->required()->numeric(), TextInput::make('empty_weight')->label('Peso vacío')->required()->numeric(), Select::make('category_id')->relationship(name: 'category', titleAttribute: 'name')->label('Categoría')->native(false)->searchable()->preload(), Select::make('size_id')->relationship(name: 'size', titleAttribute: 'name')->label('Tamaño')->native(false)->searchable()->preload()->required(), Checkbox::make('sales_in_vip')->label('Se vende en el VIP') ])
7 replies
Created by Jefry on 7/27/2024 in #❓┊help
align add action in repeater
No description
3 replies