It's possible to modify template not just colors?
I'm new on TALL, so i'm coming from the old school working with CodeIgniter 3 and Boostrap, so there's many many fancy themes with Bootstrap 5 for Dashboard, and you have just to buy it and implemented on the Codeigniter 3 folder as a HTML files, there's a part of a labourious to do it well but there is no complexity for that.
I don't know how to focus that, because as i can see Filament PHP it's an incredible tool to make CRUD projects but i don't see any HTML file, that's new for me, i have to assume that everything it's made behind the wall?
How to modify full template structure or style?
25 replies
How to create items based on a submit form?
I have done my CRUD to make events, and inside that there is a relation to create "inscriptions", for each inscription I made, i want to create "4 quotes" on the table "quotes", how to do that?
Let's say:
- events id, name
-inscriptions id, client_id, event_id
-quotes id, value, date
Once i create inscription i want to create different quotes.
11 replies
How to implement that logic from Codeigniter to Laravel FilamentPHP?
I have a database structure like that:
events id, name
event_has_inscriptions id, event_id, client_id
event_has_quotes id, date, amount, inscription_id
In FilamentPHP i make with php artisan a Resource called "Event".
But i don't want to make Inscription and Quote Resource because i don't need to have a CRUD based on the dashboard.
I just have to create migation for that datatables?
I have to make a models? What's the nomenclature for that names?
Inside one event, i want to show all "event_has_inscriptions" and if open inscription all the "quotes".
11 replies