Searchable crash
values on my select not showing option value after i add searchable, this my code
->options(Company::all()->pluck('name', 'id'))
->relationship(name: 'company', titleAttribute: 'name')
Forms\Components\TextInput::make('name')->label('Company Name')
4 replies
Disable Toggle Column by button
i have toggle column and i want to if i click the button click it will disable the toggle column, i have to tried to make function with button on livewire but its not working, this my code
this my function to handle click
public function lockdataTable()
$this->lockdata = !$this->lockdata;
this my code of the toggle column
ToggleColumn::make('mengajukan_rpl')->label('Mengajukan RPL')->disabled($this->lockdata),
i havent idea again, maybe someone can help me for fix my isue, thanks
10 replies