•Created by Kuroi on 4/2/2024 in #community-help
Iso and my experience while playing him
I need ya'll opinion, is Iso bad or am i just dumb? Cuz for example i don't see much uses to his C (the wall), there are many downsides to using it. His Q is fine but most of the time when fighting you don't have the time to pull out a Q and make them vulnerable, his E is also fine but having to killl somebody to even use it makes it harder especially against good players, and the fact that you can lose in your own ult and you have no advantages while being inside of it (unless you kill somebody beforehand and use your ult after you have a shield) is crazy to me.
Meanwhile i see lots of potential in someone like Omen and made some crazy plays with him before (even tho people tell he becomes predictable in higher elos), his smokes are useful, his blind is goated, his C makes it possible to make some fire plays and his Ult has no downsides to it.
Do i just get better with Iso or is my underwhelming experience with him somewhat justified ?
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