VALORANT12mo ago

Iso and my experience while playing him

I need ya'll opinion, is Iso bad or am i just dumb? Cuz for example i don't see much uses to his C (the wall), there are many downsides to using it. His Q is fine but most of the time when fighting you don't have the time to pull out a Q and make them vulnerable, his E is also fine but having to killl somebody to even use it makes it harder especially against good players, and the fact that you can lose in your own ult and you have no advantages while being inside of it (unless you kill somebody beforehand and use your ult after you have a shield) is crazy to me. Meanwhile i see lots of potential in someone like Omen and made some crazy plays with him before (even tho people tell he becomes predictable in higher elos), his smokes are useful, his blind is goated, his C makes it possible to make some fire plays and his Ult has no downsides to it. Do i just get better with Iso or is my underwhelming experience with him somewhat justified ?
12 Replies
Yeah hes just not very good. He is bad in ranked and hes bad in pro, his vuln will only ever be good in low elo since once you get to high elo/pro its just one taps anyways, only use is for comboes, which you only see in co ordinated high level play, where everything else is just bad there. He's not terrible, hes just incredibly mid. Though take this with a grain of salt I'm not super high rank myself 👍
Arii12mo ago
nah you're pretty much spot on for higher elos too, he just doesn't provide a lot of value as a duelist and his ult is the biggest joke in the game
Hes a duelist made to take fights, not entry, but yoru and phoenix in my opinion are too. Raze and Jett are the best entries, phoenix and yoru take fights. But phoenix and yoru can still entry super well, while Iso just falls short everywhere. I really don't feel theres a need to take iso over any other duelist rn but I'm sure some pro team somewhere will absolutely cook with him and we'll all be blown way
Arii12mo ago
yeah, you are forced to run a second duelist to take space if you choose to play Iso sadly and with other better choices like double controller or double initiator he just won't see much play in pro play either. here's a pro game where they actually did give him a chance in the CN Ascension grand final though if you're interested in seeing some pro strats with him: https://www.youtube.com/live/SCfBDgo3910?si=5r9THQB10ZFzQZ9A&t=13110
VALORANT Champions Tour CN
RA vs DRG - Grand Final - VCT CN Ascension
VCT CN Ascension live and enjoy the Esports event!
Arii12mo ago
tbf though idk what they were thinking picking iso without a raze or sova though on this map
I saw a teets video on this and uh... Yeah didn't seem very good
Arii12mo ago
yeah they completely flopped the pick, probably didn't practice it much 💀
In the grand final too 😭
Arii12mo ago
I'm not sure he has any other pro presence though
there was a game I saw when he first cme out lotus Nade, seize or haunt, and vuln to do a big A fight
Arii12mo ago
hmm, couldn't find the vod for that specific one but I did find another CN vod from TEC vs BLG with Iso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md5YQw45XsA
Valorant Vodify: VOD Esports Library channel
[HIGHLIGHTS] TEC vs BLG | VALORANT China Evolution Series Act 3 | 2...
Riot Games revealed the integration of China as the latest addition to the VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT), positioning it as the fourth International League. This announcement places China shoulder to shoulder with the Pacific, EMEA, and Americas leagues at the premier level of competition. VALORANT China Evolution will consists of 3 Acts. Each...

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