Created by serafeimo on 9/27/2023 in #💬│support
ReplyError: CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot
Hi all, We recently upgraded to the latest Novu release (we were stuck to the last release without workers so far) and we're noticing the following error in worker's logs which I can understand. I don't know if that the reason but emails are being created using the API trigger endpoint, however we can't see anything in activity feed. Any help would be appreciated 🙂
ReplyError: CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot at parseError (/usr/src/app/node_modules/.pnpm/redis-parser@3.0.0/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12) at parseType (/usr/src/app/node_modules/.pnpm/redis-parser@3.0.0/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14) { command: { name: 'evalsha', args: [ '3434c9fbf5ca138716481f924c25ce9705dc2a61', '9', 'bull:metric:wait', 'bull:metric:active', 'bull:metric:priority', 'bull:metric:events', 'bull:metric:stalled', 'bull:metric:limiter', 'bull:metric:delayed', 'bull:metric:paused', 'bull:metric:meta', 'bull:metric:', '1695805536211', '', <Buffer de 00 03 a5 74 6f 6b 65 6e d9 26 62 36 38 35 39 62 64 39 2d 33 63 38 63 2d 34 37 63 37 2d 61 31 62 38 2d 39 34 32 35 38 61 35 34 65 64 63 32 3a 30 ac ... 24 more bytes> ] }}
ReplyError: CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot at parseError (/usr/src/app/node_modules/.pnpm/redis-parser@3.0.0/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12) at parseType (/usr/src/app/node_modules/.pnpm/redis-parser@3.0.0/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14) { command: { name: 'evalsha', args: [ '3434c9fbf5ca138716481f924c25ce9705dc2a61', '9', 'bull:metric:wait', 'bull:metric:active', 'bull:metric:priority', 'bull:metric:events', 'bull:metric:stalled', 'bull:metric:limiter', 'bull:metric:delayed', 'bull:metric:paused', 'bull:metric:meta', 'bull:metric:', '1695805536211', '', <Buffer de 00 03 a5 74 6f 6b 65 6e d9 26 62 36 38 35 39 62 64 39 2d 33 63 38 63 2d 34 37 63 37 2d 61 31 62 38 2d 39 34 32 35 38 61 35 34 65 64 63 32 3a 30 ac ... 24 more bytes> ] }}
9 replies
Created by serafeimo on 5/3/2023 in #💬│support
Activity feed empty (v0.14.0)
Hi all! After upgrading to v0.14.0 I'm triggering PUSH notifications and despite the fact that I'm getting 201 responses, I can't see anything in the Activity Feed. The /notifications API also returns no notifications.. Am I missing something obvious? Is there a breaking change regarding notification triggering? I'm also adding the stacktrace at the moment of the triggering. Thanks!
13 replies
Created by serafeimo on 3/22/2023 in #💬│support
Issue while having both FCM and APNS active
Hi all. I'm facing a strange issue while having both FCM and APNS integrations set and active. I'm setting the credentials for a subscriber with an APNS token like this:
"providerId": "apns",
"credentials": {
"deviceTokens": ["xxxxxx"]
"providerId": "apns",
"credentials": {
"deviceTokens": ["xxxxxx"]
So the subscriber has a token related to apns. But when I'm trying to send a push notification to that user using an existing template, I'm getting FCM related errors.
"stack": "Error: Sending message failed due to \"The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token\"\n at FcmPushProvider.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:112:35)\n at step (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:44:23)\n at (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:25:53)\n at fulfilled (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:16:58)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)",
"message": "Sending message failed due to \"The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token\""
"stack": "Error: Sending message failed due to \"The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token\"\n at FcmPushProvider.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:112:35)\n at step (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:44:23)\n at (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:25:53)\n at fulfilled (/usr/src/app/providers/fcm/build/main/lib/fcm.provider.js:16:58)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)",
"message": "Sending message failed due to \"The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token\""
Do I miss a step of the process? Thanks!
56 replies
Created by serafeimo on 3/6/2023 in #💬│support
APNS error while sending notification (v 0.12.0)
Hi all! I'm trying to send push notification using APNS (since the topicID issue has been fixed in 0.12.0 - thanks for that! ). I have configured and activated the provider but when I trigger the notification I get an error without any helpful message: { "stack": "Error: \n at APNSPushProvider.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:84:35)\n at step (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:44:23)\n at (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:25:53)\n at fulfilled (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:16:58)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)", "message": "" } The request I use is the following: { "name": "ios-test", "to": { "subscriberId": "sera-12345" }, "payload": { }, "overrides": { } } I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.
23 replies
Created by serafeimo on 2/24/2023 in #💬│support
Email attachments maximum size
4 replies
Created by serafeimo on 2/7/2023 in #💬│support
FCM notification & data objects (v0.11.0)
Hi all! I know that there are a couple of discussions about this subject but I created this one hoping to clear things out a little bit. As I've seen from FCM documentation (v1), while sending a message, one can specify two objects: notification, data. For example:
"message": {
"token": "device-token",
"notification": {
"body" : "Title here",
"title": "Message body"
"data": {
"action": "go_to_link",
"url": ""
"message": {
"token": "device-token",
"notification": {
"body" : "Title here",
"title": "Message body"
"data": {
"action": "go_to_link",
"url": ""
However, from my testing with Novu so far, when I add the data type in the overrides field, it sends the data but it omits the title&message fields from the template. So, the data fields are sent to the device but the message is empty.. Event trigger example:
"name": "fcm-test",
"to": {
"subscriberId": "sera-12345"
"payload": {
"title": "Title here",
"body": "I am the body",
"action": "go_to_link",
"url": ""
"overrides": {
"fcm": {
"type": "data"
"name": "fcm-test",
"to": {
"subscriberId": "sera-12345"
"payload": {
"title": "Title here",
"body": "I am the body",
"action": "go_to_link",
"url": ""
"overrides": {
"fcm": {
"type": "data"
I'd appreciate any comments or thought on this 😅 Thanks!
19 replies
Created by serafeimo on 1/24/2023 in #💬│support
Email cc recipients
Hi all! Do you know if there is a way to add "cc" recipients in the emails that are being sent?
7 replies
Created by serafeimo on 12/23/2022 in #💬│support
APNS missing topic
Hi all! I'm trying to send a push notification using APNS provider but I'm getting an error that (I think) indicates that there's something missing from the configuration. { "stack": "Error: 85a57fd53908d108da4c3fe1da073677c418e3bb7674f96e2cb46bcc69eb8a3c failed for reason: MissingTopic\n at APNSPushProvider.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:84:35)\n at step (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:44:23)\n at (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:25:53)\n at fulfilled (/usr/src/app/providers/apns/build/main/lib/apns.provider.js:16:58)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)", "message": "85a57fd53908d108da4c3fe1da073677c418e3bb7674f96e2cb46bcc69eb8a3c failed for reason: MissingTopic" } The configuration for the APNS provider in Novu requires: 1. Private Key 2. Key ID 3. Team ID After searching in Google, I found out that the "topic" is actually the "bundleId". Other apps that provide APNS testing requires that (bundleid/topic) to be set together with the rest of the parameters (private key, keyid, teamid) before setting the payload and sending the notification. I'm not familiar with APNS, so I'm not sure if my assumption is correct but I tried placing this parameter in payload and overrides objects without any luck. Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks!
12 replies
Created by serafeimo on 12/22/2022 in #💬│support
APNS provider - wrong env check?
Hi all! In APNS provider there is the following check for prod env. File: /novu/providers/apns/src/lib/apns.provider.ts production: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' However, it seems that the actual prod value is prod. Logically, this is an issue if I'm not mistaken.
6 replies
Created by serafeimo on 12/21/2022 in #💬│support
APNs integration issue
Hi all! I'm trying to send a push notification with APNs. I've set the provider configuration, the template and the subscriber's token but when I'm trying to send it I get the error you can see below which I'm not sure what it is. { "stack": "Error: Could not build push handler id: 638f1b1c79b266fa794fd3e5, error: VError: Failed to generate token: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line\n at PushFactory.getHandler (/usr/src/app/apps/api/dist/main.js:16142:19)\n at SendMessagePush.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/apps/api/dist/main.js:16089:54)\n at (<anonymous>)\n at fulfilled (/usr/src/app/apps/api/dist/main.js:15948:58)\n at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)", "message": "Could not build push handler id: 638f1b1c79b266fa794fd3e5, error: VError: Failed to generate token: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line" } Do you have any idea about this? Thanks in advance!
19 replies
Created by serafeimo on 12/21/2022 in #💬│support
Multiple push notification providers
Hi all! Is it possible to have both FCM and APNS active at the same time since we want to send notifications to android and ios devices? I can see that when I activate one, the other gets deactivated.
10 replies
Created by serafeimo on 12/16/2022 in #💬│support
What is the FCM version?
Hi all! As I've seen, there are 2 Firebase versions that someone can use to send push notifications: Legacy: v1: Do you know which one is being used by Novu's FCM provider? Thanks!
4 replies
Created by serafeimo on 12/8/2022 in #💬│support
transactionId filter does not have any effect on activity endpoint response
While trying to get the activity feed for a push notification, using the respective api (/v1/activity), I noticed that the query param "transactionId" that is mentioned in the documentation doesn't apply any filtering and I'm just getting the whole feed. I couldn't find an issue related to that. Is this something known or am I missing something? URL example: v1/activity?transactionId=ca443bdc-8aaa-4144-80fb-a3ffd0a32633 Thanks!
8 replies