Weird behavior (component replaced by string) when livewire update.
I managed to fix the issue. The component needs to be in the layout and not in the view (which was my case). I can't explain why it changes anything, but I'm no Livewire expert at all... 😕
7 replies
Simple repeater and $get
No need to query the dB here. But just to have the same result when using $get and getState() on the same form.
Good to know, thanks! But my project is well started, so I'll see and update when the new version will come.
6 replies
Replicate with relationship repeater updates original relation records but doesn't create new ones
@toeknee not sure to have understood. When looking at the executed queries, we clearly see that:
- A query is made to update the previous items (children). I think it's not linked to the ReplicateAction, but the Repeater.
- No new items are created. The new invoice (parent) has no items at all.
8 replies
Replicate with relationship repeater updates original relation records but doesn't create new ones
Thanks for the answer.
My goal is to not touch the current records, but to create new ones.
By submitting the action, the original relationship items are updated, but not created at all.
8 replies
Computed state in form fields.
Yep, but it's not handy when you play with a lot of fields.
I'm used to modern frontend framework like React, Vue and Svelte, where you can derive your state from other fields easily.
The Placeholder component is working well, but it would be great to have that to all components.
For a select you can compute the options easily, why not for its state?
4 replies