Created by Jon Mason on 11/9/2023 in #❓┊help
Argument must be of type string, null given, in action on infolist component
did you solve that error ? Argument #1 ($name) must be of type string ?
36 replies
Created by Saifallak on 10/30/2024 in #❓┊help
I disabled `inject_assets` in livewire config, how to load it manually for filament
i added
FilamentView::registerRenderHook(\Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook::STYLES_BEFORE, fn (): string => Blade::render("@livewireStyles"));
FilamentView::registerRenderHook(\Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook::SCRIPTS_AFTER, fn (): string => Blade::render("@livewireScriptConfig"));
FilamentView::registerRenderHook(\Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook::BODY_END, fn (): string => Blade::render("@vite('resources/js/app.js')"));

FilamentView::registerRenderHook(\Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook::STYLES_BEFORE, fn (): string => Blade::render("@livewireStyles"));
FilamentView::registerRenderHook(\Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook::SCRIPTS_AFTER, fn (): string => Blade::render("@livewireScriptConfig"));
FilamentView::registerRenderHook(\Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook::BODY_END, fn (): string => Blade::render("@vite('resources/js/app.js')"));

is this correct?
5 replies
Created by Oddman on 11/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Datepicker timezones - I don't get this
did it work ?
11 replies
Created by dineshdev325 on 9/14/2023 in #❓┊help
How can I automatically detect user's timezone in Timezone field?
3 replies
Created by Nathan on 1/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Is there a way to make database notifications play sound for the $recipient?
any solution so far?
12 replies
Created by irfancan on 8/27/2023 in #❓┊help
Send notification sound if a resource polling has new record
5 replies
Created by Saifallak on 1/2/2024 in #❓┊help
use same panel on mulitple domains
didn't know that ->domains exist, shame on auto complete in IDE 🤣, sorry for trouble. thanks
11 replies
Created by Saifallak on 1/2/2024 in #❓┊help
use same panel on mulitple domains
i don't want the domains to be parked on each other, just be used for same panel $panel->domains() not $panel->domain() it should foreach on those domains to generate routes.
11 replies
Created by Jompi (work) on 12/12/2023 in #❓┊help
Table action edit modal is very slow
nothing you can do, thats how livewire works, it must load all things on each action
5 replies
Created by Zetto on 9/1/2023 in #❓┊help
Attach with relationship showing different search option label
@pboivin nope getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing doesnt effect record select in attach at all
10 replies
Created by undefined on 8/6/2023 in #❓┊help
Spatie translatable relation select return json
->getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing(fn(Model $record) => filled($record->translate('name', app()->getLocale())) ? $record->translate('name', app()->getLocale()) : collect($record->getTranslations('name'))->first())
->getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing(fn(Model $record) => filled($record->translate('name', app()->getLocale())) ? $record->translate('name', app()->getLocale()) : collect($record->getTranslations('name'))->first())
because if translation not found in current locale, then it will just display the id, and thats ugly, so this check displays first language if current not found
22 replies
Created by othmansalem on 8/23/2023 in #❓┊help
Composer removes packages
that package will be removed anyway when you do composer update or any other installation/update of any package, because its found in composer.lock only, and not composer.json, means its not used anymore by you, so if you need that package add it to composer.json if not just ignore it
9 replies
Created by IndomieRendang on 8/18/2023 in #❓┊help
Redirect login to the last accessed tenant? store last accssed tenant in cache or db or anything and use this method
24 replies
Created by Mark Chaney on 8/15/2023 in #❓┊help
Toggle Filter only used when On?
31 replies
Created by Mark Chaney on 8/15/2023 in #❓┊help
Toggle Filter only used when On?
31 replies
Created by Mark Chaney on 8/15/2023 in #❓┊help
Toggle Filter only used when On?
maybe use tenary filter ? it has true and false and blank state
31 replies
Created by bennajah on 8/15/2023 in #❓┊help
relationship using Spatie Translatable
5 replies
Created by Saifallak on 8/14/2023 in #❓┊help
what does the same as "getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing" in Select Input in SelectFilter ?
i cant find any other way to customized the relation ship record. you're solution just works. so i'm fine with it
9 replies
Created by Saifallak on 8/14/2023 in #❓┊help
what does the same as "getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing" in Select Input in SelectFilter ?
thanks @Hugh Messenger
9 replies