Created by buzkall on 2/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Customize navigation item styles
I need to emphasize a navigation item conditionally. Meaning, I'm using badges to show the number of elements inside, but I need to show in any way that there are new items when the user logs in. It's there any way to do this? Maybe I can extend the NavigationItem class to add a method similar to the one called isActiveWhen? But I don't want to publish the sidebar/item.blade to avoid problems when upgrading... Anyone has an idea about how to tackle this? a PR adding a method like ->addClassWhen could be consider?
2 replies
Created by buzkall on 10/22/2023 in #❓┊help
Wrong indicator in SelectFilter with multiple and translatable
No description
6 replies
Created by buzkall on 8/23/2023 in #❓┊help
How to trigger loading in Field Macro when one of the fields is reactive
I'm creating a Field::macro modal that loads a select element which is reactive and populates the rest of the fields on the afterStateUpdated callback. It's there a way to trigger the loading icon on the save button while the reactive action is doing it's job?
3 replies
Created by buzkall on 8/17/2023 in #❓┊help
activeLocale error in ListResource using Filament Spatie Translatable
I'm trying to set a translatable resource in a new v3 Filament install. I've added the Actions\LocaleSwitcher in the getHeaderActions of the ListRecords class, but it does nothing and the browser console throws: "Livewire: [wire:model="activeLocale"] property does not exist on component" On the edit page works perfectly
40 replies
Created by buzkall on 3/14/2023 in #❓┊help
List pages performance
40 replies