Only allow clipboard pasting, not typing, into a field.
I'm having a lot of trouble getting the content of the File i'm uploading.
I've tried
both with similar results
the ddd of $state shows me the actual path for the file as realPath
11 replies
Only allow clipboard pasting, not typing, into a field.
Last question for now. If I don't want the file itself stored or put into the database, is there anything special I need to do? Or if I just have the FileUpload::make('nonexistent_field') will that work?
11 replies
Only allow clipboard pasting, not typing, into a field.
I've used ->readOnly with fields to make them not editable but still insert into the DB fine.
What do I pass into the function on afterStateUpdated on the file to get the contents? Does $state contain the file?
11 replies
How to show more information in RelationManager Attach Search.
so here's a question because I apparently don't know how to use composer. my composer.json is set for filament to be
but when I run artisan filament:upgrade and then composer show filament/filament it says i'm still on 3.0.73. I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
10 replies
Setting a default value to another value from the table.
I tried installing that plugin before and got errors I didn't feel like troubleshooting at the time. it doesn't seem to work with my json require having filament requiring 3.0-stable
4 replies
Going deeper on Tenant relationships
I found this closed Issue (, which references the . Looked it up and installed the package. I have gotten past my errors.
16 replies
Going deeper on Tenant relationships
We're getting closer. I found HasManyThrough which I put on my Agency to have many Buttons through ButtonGroups. but I do not see anything like BelongsToThrough. I tried HasOneThrough, but that's backward since my ButtonGroups doesn't have a button_id column (since it's one to many in the other direction)
16 replies