Created by milkdrink99 on 7/19/2023 in #brands
Bronson MFG
I have this color in large and can confirm pretty much all of this. One size up is the way to go.
209 replies
Created by milkdrink99 on 7/19/2023 in #brands
Bronson MFG
This is a fairly broad question, but does anyone know much about the Bronson/Olderbest family of brands? I have some great pieces from Bronson and Time Catcher but know nothing about the factories, ownership, designers (it can’t all be Toyo repros) or where it’s all coming from in the first place.
209 replies
Created by squingo44 on 10/7/2023 in #brands
Old Town
I was looking at Orfords at the time, specifically because they looked like a wider straight fit
13 replies
Created by squingo44 on 10/7/2023 in #brands
Old Town
Just a word of caution, they apparently aren’t able to accomodate larger builds. I’m a moderate weight lifter and when I emailed them they told me they didn’t make any pants that would fit my measurements, and I’m 5’10” and 185lb.
13 replies