Ye Thi Ha Htwe
Table action modal not showing up for some records
Hi everyone! As the title says, I have this table in a Resource's custom page.
The is the
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// other columns
Action::make('test')->action(fn(Model $record) => dd($record)),
public function getTableQuery()
return TableQueries::outgoingQuery();
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// other columns
Action::make('test')->action(fn(Model $record) => dd($record)),
public function getTableQuery()
return TableQueries::outgoingQuery();
public static function outgoingQuery()
return Transaction::query()
->selectRaw('min(id) as id, item_id, category_id, subcategory_id, exp_date, batch, donor_id, project_id, SUM(amount) as amount, warehouse_id')
->groupBy('item_id', 'category_id', 'subcategory_id', 'exp_date', 'batch', 'donor_id', 'project_id', 'warehouse_id')
->havingRaw('SUM(amount) > 0');
public static function outgoingQuery()
return Transaction::query()
->selectRaw('min(id) as id, item_id, category_id, subcategory_id, exp_date, batch, donor_id, project_id, SUM(amount) as amount, warehouse_id')
->groupBy('item_id', 'category_id', 'subcategory_id', 'exp_date', 'batch', 'donor_id', 'project_id', 'warehouse_id')
->havingRaw('SUM(amount) > 0');
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