How can I render a PDF using a Livewire component that implements HasInfolists?
I've built an abstract component called
. This component implements HasInfolists
and HasForms
This component is being used as an abstract class for App\Livewire\Pdf\MembershipAgreement
. The class has its own blade file and headerInfolist
I have successfully created a rendered HTML file that routed to {base_url}/pdf/agreement/membership/{record}
, using a typical render
But when I tried to plug it in to \Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf
, it throws an exception.
In routes/web.php
This is how the error looks:
Thank you for reading to this point. Please let me know if this problem comes from me, Livewire, or barryvdh/laravel-dompdf.6 replies