Created by trompix on 8/21/2024 in #👊support
Extending the functionality of the WYSIWYG editor with the quill type
The quill editor is used. How can I add a create table button? and your own custom button, for example, to wrap part of the text in certain tags.
2 replies
Created by trompix on 8/20/2024 in #👊support
Modifying data in a block with a browser field
Good morning! Tell me how you can process the data that is loaded into the browser field in the block? I have an entity called News. I added a block whose Authors I select through the browser field. I have authors who have the Add field by default. I need when I load authors into a browser field so that the authors with the default field are already selected (checkbox).
6 replies
Created by trompix on 3/7/2024 in #👊support
asynchronous request in select
Good afternoon, I have two select fields. The thing is that when selecting the first select field, I need to load the filtered data based on the first select into the second select. How can you do this in Twill with minimal effort?
5 replies
Created by trompix on 3/1/2023 in #👊support
remove positioning and nesting from the page index
Good morning. Tell me how to remove positioning and nesting from the page index in the admin panel? I delete traits in the model and an error occurs in the repository. Still need to remove fields from the database? Or is there some other way to do it all?
7 replies
Created by trompix on 2/20/2023 in #👊support
Connecting additional fields depending on the value in the record when selected in the browser compo
Good morning. Can you tell me if it is possible to implement the doing in twill? I have a browser in the component block in which I select a record. In articles, I have a select field with a post type. Depending on this field, I need to load one or another field in the block. It turns out the following scheme: I go to the block and select the article in the browser component. Depending on what field I have in the article itself, I need to show this or that field in the block. That is, I need to somehow get the field from the article in the block and load the fields depending on it.
2 replies
Created by trompix on 1/17/2023 in #👊support
Issuing rights to upload to the media library
Good afternoon! Tell me how to give the right dip for the defined role to upload files / images to the media library? Gate::define('list', function ($user) { return $this->authorize($user, function ($user) { return $this->userHasRole($user, [ UserRole::MANAGER, ]); }); }); Gate::define('upload', function ($user) { return $this->authorize($user, function ($user) { return $this->userHasRole($user, [ UserRole::MANAGER, ]); }); }); The media library has appeared in the menu and the download button is also displayed. But when uploading an image or file, it writes XHR returned response code 403
4 replies
Created by trompix on 12/28/2022 in #👊support
output selected blocks on the front in different places
Good afternoon! Tell me how you can draw blocks on the front selectively? Example Block 1 text text text Block 2 Block 3 text text text Block 4 The problem is that my data is formed through the block class in the blade, I display a variable. If, for example, to receive fields directly in the blade, then everything works through @foreach($work->blocks as $block) @if ($loop->index === 1) // Content inserted between first and second block @endif @include('' . $block->type, ['block' => $block]) @endforeach
2 replies
Created by trompix on 11/9/2022 in #👊support
Creating a category without the ability to get to the page
2 replies
Created by trompix on 11/3/2022 in #👊support
Redefining the blade in which the user is being edited
1 replies
Created by trompix on 11/1/2022 in #👊support
permissions on Twill
2 replies
Created by trompix on 10/21/2022 in #👊support
Go directly to the preview from the content page
Good afternoon, can you tell me how to go from the page not to the content editor, but directly to the page view?
7 replies
Created by trompix on 10/18/2022 in #👊support
Getting fields through a component browser
22 replies
Created by trompix on 10/17/2022 in #👊support
Custom Validation Rules in request
14 replies
Created by trompix on 10/14/2022 in #👊support
Get value from child block for validation in block class
20 replies
Created by trompix on 10/14/2022 in #👊support
Getting label from select in preview
4 replies