Daniel Veselinov
Fileupload Component Multiple Files froze buttons on the modal
Facing an issue with the ->multiple() method in their Livewire Fileupload component. When this method is used, it causes the buttons on the modal to freeze. However, when the ->multiple() method is removed, the buttons work fine.
3 replies
Adding a Filament form (select component) to a Livewire(v3.x) component
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to implement Filament forms in my livewire component.
What I'm trying to do?
I'm using a filament select component with multiple choices linked to a relation. After saving, the 'interests' aren't displayed upon page refresh, despite being correctly synced in the database. However, when viewed through the filament admin panel, the selected interests are displayed correctly.
Relation in the User model:
Relation in the Interest model:
Note: this very code, Select::make('interests').. in my UserResource filament works just fine, the problem is in the Livewire component.
Filament - UserResource
Livewire -
15 replies